编辑: 静看花开花落 2018-07-19

544 Finland (3.1)

550 Korea (1.9)

548 Finland (1.6)

543 Finland (4.5)

550 Hong Kong S.E. Mean Country S.E. Mean Country S.E. Mean Country S.E. Mean Country Problem Solving Skills Scientific Literacy Reading Literacy Mathematical Literacy Parental Involvement in Secondary Schools HKPISA

2003 * represents the difference between high and low achievers is statistically significant.

1 1.5

2 2.5

3 3.5

4 4.5

5 Discuss political issues* Discuss books* Discuss doing at school* Eat main meal* Just talking* Discuss school work* Level of In volvem en t High Achievers Low Achievers 学校为本 家校沟通 义务工作 ?与学校决策 伊?沙伯中学旧生会中学所有学生家长或监护人,俱为「伊?沙伯中学 旧生会中学」家长会的成员.我们欢迎及鼓?所有家长,以最适合自己 的方式投入家长会活动.我们希望通过这?活动: 1.提供在学校、家长及社区之间,开放及维持可供沟通及?与 的渠 道. 2.推广及鼓?家长与学校之间合作,以提高学生所受教有的质 素. 3,向学生显示家长和学校之间存在一个?好的伙伴关系. 学校义工 家长如果认同学校??,可以通过?同的途径担任学校义工,以协助提 高本校同学的学习质素.家长可以协助图书?事务、帮助教师处?文 件、督导校内午膳计划、伴同学生作户外考察、协助校内缺席学生电话 查核计划等等.我们诚意邀请你??与. 到校约?程序 我们鼓?家长到本校?解子?的学习情况,家长抵达学校后,请先到校 务处知会学校职员.如果希望?观同学上课,请致电学校以作安排. 如家长有突发事情通知在校子?,请致电学校校务处,学校职员?於代 为传递信息.学校

电话:23386122 如你的子?需要早退,家长或监护人必须事前以书面或致电通知校方. 而到校接子??校的家长或监护人,请先到校务处登记,以证实身分, 学校职员即会通知同学到校务处. 家校合作

4 Dear Parents, Recently, you received your child's report card. The report card provides important information regarding your child's academic and social performance. As you know, each year our school receives a report card that shows how well our school is performing. In a true partnership, all parties need to take time to assess the amount and quality of their involvement. Please take a few moments to complete this selfassessing parent report card. It is for "your eyes only". We know that many of our parents will be on the Honor Roll. While others will see there is "room for improvement". Please use the upcoming marking period (the next school quarter) to maintain your Distinguish Honors or to, of course, improve the quantity and or quality of your involvement. Return the enclosed response form, indicating receipt. Thanks for your continued cooperation and support. Sincerely, Lucretia Coates, Principal Violetta N. Leonard, Asst. Principal 家长义工的动? 家长?与?为的原因有三: (1) ?性选择? (rational choice);

(2) 规? (normative conformity);

(3) 感情? (affective bonding). 根痪啪啪?搜集的134所小学的?? 看,小一至小?各级的家长义工?目平均为





4、4,亦即小一的家长义工最 多,平均有8位,小?的家长义工最少,平均 有4位 家长义工的增长 (1999-2004)

1999 2004 增长 小一 5.5 17.3 3.2 小二 5.0 15.4 3.1 小三 4.4 13.6 3.1 小四 3.5 12.6 3.6 小五 2.9 12.2 4.1 小? 2.9 4.3 1.5 总? 24.1 75.3 3.1 成?家长中心Parent Center 家长的角色由「外?者」(outsiders)变为「围内人」 (insiders) 「家长教师中心」(Parent Teacher Center) :强调家 长与教师的夥伴协作关系 「家长社区网络中心」(Parent-community Networking Center) 「家长资源室」(Parent Resource Room) 「家长学生学习中心」(Learning Lab For Students and Parents) 「家长义工室」(Parent Volunteer Room)
