编辑: JZS133 2018-07-01

一、2016最杰出「绿得开心 学校」大奖(中学组)冠军) 源头减废 从小食部做起 创新管理私营龛场 可考虑建 「先人岛」 Regulate private columbaria with innovation Passed by the Legislative Council on May 25, the Private Columbaria Ordinance will come into effect on June

30 upon gazettal. Although it is justified to regulate private columbaria through legislation, at a time when public lots are scarce, niche prices are set to skyrocket and thousands of urns of the deceased to be displaced if the existing private ones fail to secure licenses. The authorities should be discreet and consider extending the grace period for unlicensed private columbaria, so as to avoid drastic drop in supply within a short time. Only one-fifth comply with laws In recent years, the private columbarium industry has boomed in the absence of government regulations. These privately-run homes to the dead are often poorly managed, with no guarantee of good standard and service. Enacting the Private Columbaria Ordinance could protect the interest of citizens by regulating the industry. As a large number of private columbaria might be forced to shut down when the Ordinance is in place, the rehousing of stored ashes has become a big challenge. Of the

153 existing premises, only

30 are compliant with both user restrictions in the land leases and statutory town planning requirements, thus having a higher chance for obtaining a license. The rest either fail to meet government demands, or are currently involved with various degrees of offenses. According to the government, up to 80,000 niches could be displaced due to licensing matters, while the columbarium industry estimates that the figure could be as high as 300,000. For this reason, transitional issues must be properly addressed. Government resolve tested In retrospect, the government had proposed to have columbaria in every area seven years ago, vowing to build 900,000 public niches. Between

2010 to 2011, the Food and Health Bureau had announced

24 potential sites in the

18 areas but to no avail, as the plan was met with heavy resistance from local communities. Only two public columbaria with 2,540 niches are built to date. This number is barely 0.3 per cent, a tiny drop in the bucket to the original plan. Everyone wishes to seek a final resting place for their loved ones, yet nobody wants to have it in their backyard. Striking a balance between the many contradictory needs would be a difficult task for the government, where its resolve, innovativeness, communication and coordination capabilities would be put to the test. In fact, different sectors of the community has already offered their ideas to overcome the problem. For example, a political party has proposed to convert outlying islands of lower ecological value into large columbaria. There should be less resistance as these islands are usually barely inhabited, thus the plan could prove to be a short-term expedient to the shortage of niches. The government should really take these solid ideas into consideration, and actively explore the possibilities of implementation. 原文译文星期二.通识博客/通识中国 星期四.通识文凭试摘星攻略 星期三.中文星级学堂 .文江学海 .百科启智 星期五.通识博客/通识中国 .文江学海 星期一.通识博客 ( 一周时事聚焦 、通识把脉 ) .通识博客/通识中国 .百搭通识 心康 理得 本栏曾经介绍 过焦虑问题,有 读者问:如果身 边有焦虑的青少 年,应该如何和 他们沟通,帮助 他们?今日就和 大家分享一下, 如何可以初步接触及协助有焦虑的青少 年.以下就是一个很不错的沟通例子. 小丽的学业成绩本来不错,但自从升 上中六要面对 DSE 之后,却突然变了 样.她常常於早上表示身体不适,不能 上学.最初是肚痛,后来再加上头痛. 虽然看过几次医生,检查后发现她的身 体没有什麽问题,不过,头痛、肚痛的 问题却持续出现.今天早上,小丽又说 肚子不舒服,看了医生后睡了一会. 妈妈觉得小丽变化很大,却又不知如 何和小丽谈,於是请与小丽关系深厚的 表姊帮忙和小丽谈. 表理解 接受对方情绪 在小丽醒来后,身体状态较好,小丽 的表姊於是进入她房间,单独与她详 谈.表姊在与小丽对话时,先表示自己 的关心,问了她的身体健康状况,除了 肚痛外,还有没有其他问题.接着试探 问她在学校的情况.起初,小丽不愿意 细说,还有点微愠.表姊温柔地回应, 明白小丽可能因为身体不适、心情不畅 快而感觉「地」,所以希望再了解 看她有没有正在面对的事情. 表姊并说出自己的观察U小丽的班主 任曾经致电问小丽妈妈,说过小丽在学 校的表现,例如没有交功课. 这令表姊觉得奇怪,因小丽一向勤力 读书,所以作为表姊,很想知道发生了 什麽事,有什麽可以帮上忙. 不批判 鼓励接受治疗 在表姊体贴的提问下,小丽道出,她 其实是有做功课的,只是觉得做得不 好,所以没有交.表姊於是问小丽,她 功课一向出色,为何现在会觉得不满 意.小丽於是说出心声,表示自己近来 有许多担心,难以集中精神,不太明白 课堂内容,无力做功课,成绩亦滑落. 她觉得老师和同学都开始不喜欢她、看 不起她,自觉很没用,很怕面对别人, 身体更因为害怕而自然地产生肚痛头痛 等状态,她就可以请病假不上学. 表姊表示明白到小丽面对的焦虑和担 心,并说这可能是与焦虑问题有关,建 议陪她去找专科医生,看身体出现的反 应是否因为心理健康而导致及如何可以 解决. 表姊以同理心的态度协助小丽表达她 的情绪,在情绪上提供支持,并提供有 关焦虑症及处理焦虑症的资料,让她了 解自己的情况,最后鼓励她接受治疗. 正正是一个良好的示,告诉我们怎麽 去与受焦虑困扰的青少年展开对话,提 供帮助. 如想透过手机应用程式寻求情绪支 援,可下载「辅负得正」手机应用程 式. 香港心理o生会教育主任 梁凯怡 发挥同理心助焦虑青少年辅导服务U3583
