编辑: star薰衣草 2019-08-30
246 - S - safe drinking water 安全饮用水 见safe water Safe Motherhood Fund [IBRD/WHO] 母亲安全基金[国际复兴开发银行/世界卫生组 织] Safe Motherhood Initiative [IBRD/WHO] 母亲安全动议[国际复兴开发银行/世界卫生组 织] safe water;

drinking water;

safe drinking water Drinking water.

The terms drinking water, safe water and safe drinking water are used interchangeably. 安全饮用水 饮用水.以上三个英文名词可相互替代使用. safety net 安全网 salaries and wages 薪水和工资 saleability [securities] 可销售性[证券] saleable assets 可出售资产 sale from portfolio 有价证券的出售 sale of loan maturities 到期贷款出售 sales tax 营业税,销售税 salt lick;

mineral lick 牲畜舐用矿盐 salt water intrusion Salt water entering fresh water, thereby destroying freshwater sources. 盐水侵入 指盐水流入淡水中,使淡水资源遭到破坏. salvage value 残值 sample survey [statistics] 抽样调查[统计] sanitation 卫生 Saudi Arabian light (crude oil);

light Arabian crude The world'

s most prolific crude oil, frequently used as a marker crude in establishing the prices of other crudes. 沙特阿拉伯轻油(原油);

阿拉伯轻质原油 世界上储藏量最广的轻原油, 常常用作其它原油 定价时的基准原油. savings and loan association 储蓄与贷款协会 scarcity value 稀缺价值 scatter chart, diagram;

scattergram 分布图,散点图 scattered plotting 散点标绘 schedular tax;

scheduled tax 收入分类税,居地税 schedule 时间表,一览表,程序表,清单 schedule contract 进度合同 schedule of rates contract A type of unit price contract, paid on the basis of a schedule of rates. It is similar to a bill of quantities contract but used where the quantity of work to be performed is difficult or impossible to estimate in advance, such as maintenance, drilling or dredging. 费率表计价合同 一种单位价格合同,按费率明细表付款.与工程 量合同相似, 但在工作量难以或不可能事先估计 时使用,如维修、钻井或疏浚. scheduled tax;

schedular tax 收入分类税;


247 school mapping 校区布局 scrap, to 废弃,报废 scrap value 残余价值 SDR currencies 特别提款权货币 Sea Island cotton;

West Indian cotton;

Egyptian cotton;

kidney cotton 海岛棉;



肾型棉 seasonal credit 季节性信贷 seasonally adjusted 按季节调整的 seasonal movements 季节性运动 seasonal peak 季节性高峰 seasoned securities 稳妥的证券 second-best optimum If one of the conditions for Pareto optimality cannot be fulfilled, then the best attainable situation (the second-best optimum) can, in general, only be achieved by departing from all the other Paretian conditions. 次佳论 如果达到帕累托最佳状态的各种条件之一得不 到满足,那么,一般来说只有脱离帕累托所有其 他条件才可能达到的最好状态(次佳). second-best policy 次好政策 second generation special account - SGSA Special account set up for use by a specific implementation unit that cannot readily access the special account to meet eligible expenditures as they occur. 第二代专用帐户(简写为SGSA) 为特定执行单位设立的特别帐户, 以便使该单位 在不能使用专用帐户前对已支出的合格费用进 行报销. second lowest bidder 居第二位的最低报价者,次低报价投标者 second tier bank 1. Bank used as secondary source for funds. 2. Smaller lenders, i.e. banks other than the main commercial banks. Used particularly in Latin America. 二级银行 1.作为二级资金来源的银行. 2.较小的贷款者,即除主要商业银行以外的银 行.特别用于拉丁美洲国家. second tier country A classification proposed by OECD which covers those countries below the newly industrialized countries but above other developing countries. They are exporters of between $100 million and $2 billion worth of manufactured goods. Include Chile, Cyprus, Haiti, Indonesia, Jordan, Macau, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Morocco,,

Peru, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay. 二级国家 经经济合作与发展组织提出的一钟分类法, 指低 于新兴工业化国家或地区但高于其他发展中国 家的那些经济体,即制成品出口在1亿到20亿美 元之间的国家. 这些国家包括: 智利、 塞浦路斯、 海地、印度尼西亚、约旦、中国澳门、马来西亚、 马耳他、毛里求斯、摩洛哥、秘鲁、菲律宾、斯 里兰卡、泰国、突尼斯和乌拉圭. secondary education 中等教育 见lower secondary education;

upper secondary education secondary energy;

final energy 二次能源;

最终能源 secondary market 二级市场 secondary market mortgage institution 二级市场抵押机构 secondary recovery 二次回收,二次开采

248 secondary reserves 次生储层,二次可采储量 secondary securities 次级证券 secondary transmission line;

subtransmission line Transmission line in a subtransmission system, i.e. one which supplies distribution substations from bulk power sources, such as large transmission substations or generating stations. 二级输电线路;

次级输电线路 一个二级输电系统中的输电线路, 即从大容量电 源(如大型输变电站或发电站)给配电所供电的 输电线路. secondment 借调 sector adjustment loan - SECAL;

SAD A loan aiming at major policy improvements in a sector. 部门调整贷款(简写为SECAL;

SAD) 旨在改进一个部门的主要政策的贷款. sector GDP The contribution to GDP generated by a particular sector. 部门国内生产总值 一个具体部门产生的国内生产总值份额. sector implementation review - SIR 部门执行情况检查(简写为 SIR) sector investment and maintenance loan - SIM Loan aimed at investing in a particular sector maintaining the level of activity in that sector. 部门投资和维持贷款 指为向一个特定部门的投资提供的贷款, 用以维 持该部门的一定水平的活动. sector loan A loan geared towards a particular sector. 部门贷款 对某一特定部门的贷款. secular trend Long-term average of a statistical series, usually understood to cover at least three or four generations. 长期趋势 一个统计系列的长期平均趋势, 通常理解为跨越 至少三代至四代人口. secure a loan, to 取得一笔贷款,担保一笔贷款 secured loan 抵押贷款 securities (custody) account 证券(保管)帐户 securities dealer;

securities firm Firm acting as a principal rather than an agent in the securities market. 证券商,证券商行(公司) 证券市场中,作为自营商而不是代理商的商行. securities market The primary and secondary market for negotiable equity (stocks) and long-term debt instruments (bonds). 证券市场 从事可流通的股本(股票)和长期债务工具(债券)交易的初级和二级市场. securitization 1. Issue of securities in exchange for debt. The Bank has used it to specifically refer to the packaging and selling of a pool of creditor risks in the form of a security . 2. The tendency on financial markets to make greater use of securities, i.e. firms issue securities rather than borrow directly from banks. 证券化 1. 发行证券以交换债务. 世界银行用来专指 以 一种证券的形式将债权人的一批风险组合起来 并予以出售 . 2.金融市场更多地利用证券筹资的趋势,即企 业通过发行证券而不是从银行直接借款来筹资. security 1. Document giving title to property or claim on income. 2. Income-yielding paper traded on the stock ex- change or secondary market. 有价证券,抵押品,担保品 1.赋予财产所有权或对收入的求偿权的文书. 2.在证券交易所或二级市场上交易的能产生收 益的票据. security agreement 担保协议

249 security lending Lending of securities which the IBRD owns (typi- cally a U.S. Government obligation) against receipt of cash or similar securities as collateral in amounts equal to or higher than the market value of the security lent. 借出证券 国际复兴开发银行把自有证券 (通常为美国政府 债券)作为抵押品出借,以换取现金或类似的证 券,其金额等于或略高于借出的证券的市场价 值. security of tenure 使用期保障 security sharing agreement [IFC] * 抵押品或保险金等分享协议[国际金融公司] sedimentation ponds Pond where waste water is temporarily stored to allow the solids to settle out. 沉淀池 暂时贮存废水以沉淀其中固体物质的水池. seed 种子 见breeder seed;

certified seed;

field seeds;

foundation seed;

registered seed seed capital;

seed money 种子资本,原始资本;

种子资金, seed farm 育种农场 seed garden 育种园 seed money;

seed capital 种子资金 seed plant 种子作物 seedling 秧苗,树苗 seine fishing 围网捕鱼 seismic survey 地震勘查,地震调查 seizure [legal] Act or process of seizing property by virtue of a writ or other legal order to satisfy a judgment made by a court under the authority of a legal order. 没收,扣押,查封[法律] 在法律决议授权下, 根据令状或其他法律命令查 封(或扣押)财产,以完成一项法院判决的行为 或过程. selection felling, cutting Harvesting of only a small proportion of the standing crop. 间伐,有选择地砍伐 对生长中的作物的一小部分进行收获. Selective Capital Increase - SCI An increase in the Bank'

s capital which does not apply equally to all shareholders. The most recent one was in 1984. Though always referred to as Selective Capital Increase, the legal document calls it Special Capital Increase. 选择性增资(简写为SCI) 世界银行的一种不是对所有股东同等适用的增 资.最近的一次是在1984年.虽然通称为选择性 增资,但法律文件称之为特别增资. self-adjustment 自动调整 self-care;

self-treatment 自我护理;

自我治疗 self-contained;

free standing (设备)配套齐全的;

独立的,自给自足的 self-determination 自决(权),自立决定 self-employed person 个体劳动者,自谋职业者 self-financing 自筹资金 self-financing-ratio - SFR The rate at which a project is financed from internal resources. 自筹资金比率(简写为SFR) 一个项目内部自筹资金所占的比重.

250 self-help 自助 self-help housing scheme 自助建房计划 self-insurance 自我保险 self-liquidating assets Assets that will pay for themselves over a period of time. 自偿资产 在一段时间内可自行偿还的资产. self-liquidating project Credit reimbursed by the income from the operation for which it was lent. 自偿项目 用贷款业务的收入进行清偿的贷款. self-reliance 自力更生 self-restraint 自我限制、节制;

自我控制 self-sufficiency 自给自足 self-sustaining growth 自我维持的增长 self-sustaining state 自我维持状态 self-targeting (commodity) Basic foodstuffs that are mainly consumed by the poor. So-called because their target is obvious. 有特定对象的(商品) 指主要由穷人消费的基本食品. 之所以如此命名 是由于其对象是显而易见的. self-treatment;

self-care 自我治疗;

自我护理 self-weighting sample 自行加权样本 sell down The transfer of a credit from a bank within a syndicate to a bank outside the syndicate. 信贷转让 把银团内的一家银行的信贷转让给银团外的一 家银行. seller'

s market 卖方市场 selling consortium, group, syndicate A group of bank or securities dealers involved in placing a security as sellers. (证券)销售集团,推销联营 参与证券销售的一组银行或证券经销商集团. selling rate Price proposed (for a security). 卖价 (证券........
