编辑: 匕趟臃39 2017-06-06

Dyes 化学材料及染料 Chemicals, Dyes 化学材料, 染料 Machinery &

Equipment 机械及设备Shoe-making machinery, Tanning machinery, Repair Machine, Testing equipment 制鞋机械, 制革机械, 维修设备,测控设备 Page

3 Data on Buyers 买家资料 Total Number of Buyers 买家总数 : 10,360 Buyers from Overseas &

China Taiwan Province 海外及中国台湾省买家 :

932 Buyers from Mainland China 中国国内买家 : 9,428 Countries / Regions 国家/地区 : Japan, U.S.A., UK, Italy, Germany, India, Spain, Kawait, Russia, United Arab Emirates, Taiwan Provinces, Hong Kong, China Provinces includes Dongguan, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Nanhai, Zhongshan, Beijing, Shunde, Wenzhou, Shanghai, Huizhou, JinJiang, Foshan, Chengdu, Chongqing, Huidong 日本、美国、英国、意大利、德国、印度、西班牙、科威特、俄罗斯、阿联酋、中国台湾省、香港、、中国国内地区 包括 : 东莞、广州、深圳、南海、中山、北京、顺德、温州、上海、惠州、晋江、佛山、成都、重庆、惠东 Visitor Profile by job nature 买家来自不同行业 5% Others 其他 1% Direct Mailing 邮购公司 15% Manufacturer 制造商 6% Department / Chain Store 连 锁店 / 百货公司 4% Importer 入口商 9% Retailer 零售商 14% Exporter 出口商 10% Distributor 代理商 36% Wholesaler 零售商 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Page

4 Buyer Title Classification 观众职务构成 Majority of the buyers ( 35% ) are owner / GM / senior management There are 18% of buyers are marketing person whereas 20% of buyers are technician. 35% 观众职务是企业主管 / 总经理 / 高级管理人员, 18% 观众职务是市场部人员及 20% 观众职务是技术人员. Middle &

Junior Management 中及一般管理人员 15% Technician 技术人员 20% Markeitng 市场部人员 18% Clerk 普通职员 2% Others 其他 10% Owner / GM 企业主管 / 总经理 12% Senior Management 高级管理人员 23% Buyer Visiting Purpose 观众参观目的 Majority of buyers ( 67% ) visiting our show aim at looking for new suppliers / sourcing new items and placing orders whereas there'

s 30% buyers visiting our show for consolidating contacts and collecting market information. 67% 的观众参观目的是希望能物色新供应商及寻找新货源及订货,另外 30%的观 众参观本展希望能建立商业联系及收集市场及产品资料. Sourcing new items and placing orders 寻找新货源及订货 29% Consolidating contacts 建立商业联系 18% Collecting market information 收集市场及产品资料 12% Others 其他 3% Looking for new suppliers 物色新供应商 38% Page

5 Interest Products 最感兴趣产品 Majority of buyers (31%) looking for Footwear Products including Men'

s shoes, Ladies'

Shoes, Sports Shoes, Causal Shoes and Rubber boots ). 14% buyers interest to sourcing Accessories items including ornament, caps, handbag and luggage. 14% buyers interest to Machinery &

Equipment items including shoe-making machinery, tanning machinery, repair machine and testing equipment. In total, 35% buyers looking for Materials and Components items including semi-finished and finished leather, tanner, synthetics and natural textiles. 31% 的买家对鞋类产品 ( 包括男鞋、女鞋、运动鞋、休闲鞋及胶靴 ) 最感兴趣,各有 14%买家对制鞋配 件(包括饰品、帽子、手提包及皮箱 ) / 机械及设备 ( 包括制鞋机械、制革机械、维修设备及测控设备 ) 感兴趣.合共有 35%的买家对制鞋材料 ( 包括半成品和成品皮革制品、皮革、生皮和兽皮及人工合成皮 ) 及 配件( 包括鞋跟、鞋部件及橡胶 )感兴趣. 1% Technology, Services / Others 技术及服务 5% Chemcials &
