编辑: xwl西瓜xym 2017-05-05
中国农史 (Agricultural History of China) 2019.

1 野燃料荒冶还是野燃料危机冶院再论宋代燃料安全问题 要要 要兼与赵九洲商榷 柴国生 (中原工学院 知识产权学院, 河南 郑州 450007) 揖摘 要铱宋代野传统燃料危机冶说等燃料利用问题学界给予了较多关注袁但也存在争议遥 在已有研究的基础上袁围绕 被作为宋代发生野传统燃料危机冶的民伐桑枣为薪尧煤炭推广利用尧开封和个别手工业区燃料事件等四个方面的表征袁 对燃料安全问题相关方面进行深入分析可知袁宋代农业产生的作物秸秆等燃料资源基本能够满足社会发展特别是百 姓日用所需袁加上仍然丰富的森林植被袁薪炭等燃料资源总体充裕曰野民伐桑枣为薪冶且屡禁不止是百姓迫于赋役为 野易钱冶而非野自用冶的不得已行为袁并不普遍且影响有限曰开封和个别手工业区出现的燃料安全事件是受限于燃料特 性尧运输能力等因素造成野供给难足冶而引发的短时性的野燃料荒冶袁而非野资源枯竭冶导致的野燃料危机冶曰煤炭作为古代 唯一能够规模替代薪炭的优质燃料袁得到推广利用是多种因素综合作用的历史必然袁不宜将其原因简单归结为薪炭等 燃料资源的枯竭遥 揖关键词铱宋代曰燃料曰煤炭曰能源曰燃料危机 揖中图分类号铱S-09;

K207 揖文献标识码铱A 揖文章编号铱1000-4459 (2019) 01-0106-14 Fuel Shortage Or Fuel Crisis: Further Discussion on Cruel Safety in Song Dynasty ―― ―Furthermore Deliberate With Mr Zhao Jiuzhou CHAI Guo-sheng ( ) Abstract: Traditional fuel crisis in Song dynasty receives great attention among academic circles, but it is still in dispute. Based on previous research, grouping around four aspects of characterization of traditional fuel crisis in Song dynasty, lumbering mulberry and jujube tree as firewood, the promotion and utilization of coal, fuel events in Kaifeng and certain handcraft areas, this paper analyzes related aspects on cruel safety. Thus it may be known, fuel resources in Song dynasty such as crop straw ultimately met common people'

s daily necessities, and resource of forest and firewood was sufficient then. The reason for the failure in the prohibition of lumbering mulberry and jujube tree as firewood was that common people paid taxes and it was non-self use and it had only limited effect. The cruel safety events in Kaifeng and certain handcraft areas was the short-time fuel shortage because of insufficient fuel supply not fuel crisis caused by resource depletion. Coal was the only effective fuel which can replace firewood, and popularization and utilization of coal was historic trend. It can'

t be simply summed up as fuel resource exhaustion. Key words: Song Dynasty;




fuel crisis [收稿日期] 2019-02-21 [作者简介] 柴国生渊1980- 冤袁男袁历史学博士袁中原工学院知识产权学院副教授袁主要从事能源史和能源技术创 新尧发展战略与知识产权保护等方面研究遥

106 - - 能源是社会发展的基础. 宋代作为我国封建社会发展高峰, 且因较多相关史料记载, 煤炭推广、 燃 料安全等能源利用的相关问题得到了国内外学者的广泛关注和深入研究. 其中, 传统燃料危机 说自

20 世纪

50 年代日本学者宫崎市定首次提出后,逐渐得到国内外部分学者的认同并产生了较大影响

1 . 然而, 此说也存在一定的认识不足和争议. 梳理相关史料, 结合已有研究来看, 四个方面通常被作为宋 代 传统燃料危机 的重要表征, 其中民伐桑枣等林木为薪且屡禁不止是原因表征之一, 也被认为是薪 炭等生物质燃料资源枯竭的重要表征;
