编辑: star薰衣草 2016-04-17
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1 Graphitic carbon nitride based nanocomposites: A review Zaiwang Zhao a , Yanjuan Sun a , Fan Dong a? a Chongqing Key Laboratory of Catalysis and Functional Organic Molecules, College of Environmental and Biological Engineering, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing, 400067, China. Received (in XXX, XXX) Xth XXXXXXXXX 20XX, Accepted Xth XXXXXXXXX 20XX

5 DOI: 10.1039/b000000x Abstract: Graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4), as an intriguing earth-abundant visible light photocatalyst, possesses a unique two- dimensional structure, excellent chemical stability and tunable electronic structure. Pure g-C3N4 suffers from rapid recombination of photo-generated electron-hole pairs resulting in low photocatalytic activity. Because of the unique electronic structure, the g-C3N4 could act as an eminent candidate for coupling with various functional materials to enhance the performance. According to the discrepancies in

10 photocatalytic mechanism and process, six primary systems of g-C3N4-based nanocomposites can be classified and summarized. Namely, the g-C3N4 based metal-free heterojunction, g-C3N4/single metal oxide (metal sulfide) heterojunction, g-C3N4/composite oxide, g- C3N4/halide heterojunction, g-C3N4/noble metal heterostructures, and g-C3N4 based complex system. Apart from the depiction of fabrication methods, heterojunction structure and multifunctional application of the g-C3N4-based nanocomposites, we emphasize and elaborate on the underlying mechanisms in the photocatalytic activity enhancement of g-C3N4-based nanocomposites. The unique

15 functions of pCn junction (semiconductor/semiconductor heterostructures), the Schottky junction (metal/semiconductor heterostructures), the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) effect, photosensitization, super conductivity, etc., are utilized in the photocatalytic processes. Furthermore, the enhanced performance of g-C3N4-based nanocomposites has been widely employed in environmental and energetic applications such as photocatalytic degradation of pollutants, photocatalytic hydrogen generation, carbon dioxide reduction, disinfection, and super capacitor. This critical review ends with a summary and some perspectives on the challenges and new directions in exploring

20 g-C3N4-based advanced nanomaterials. ? To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: dfctbu@126.com (F. Dong). Tel.: +86-23-62769785-605;
