编辑: 施信荣 2016-02-22
Obstetric Packages and Services 产科服务计划(852)

2275 6688 (852)

2275 6767 网址 传真 地址 电话 Australian Council on Healthcare Standards 澳洲医疗服务标准委员会

1 2 Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 香港妇产科学院 The maternity ward at Hong Kong Adventist Hospital C Tsuen Wan is specially designed with patient comfort as a priority: built-in lighting units are adjustable and beds are designed for more comfortable labor and delivery.

During deliveries, mothers may stay in the Birthing Suite with their spouse where they are attended by our staff, and are no longer required to transfer to the delivery room or change beds. 本院产科部的房间乃经特别设计,其镶入式灯光设计可调节照射角度和亮度,睡床乃经特 别设计的产床.准妈妈毋须於临盆时转移至产房,可直接在入住的分娩室自然分娩,在至 亲与专业人员的陪伴下迎接新生命,倍添安心和舒适. Prenatal Services 产前服务 Delivery Packages 分娩套餐 Normal Vaginal Delivery 自然分娩 Caesarean Section 剖腹分娩 Prenatal Care Package 产前检查计划 Prenatal Class 孕妇护理讲座 As a leading health care provider, our hospital is committed to providing the highest quality care in a safe and pleasant environment. As you approach the special and precious moment of welcoming a new member to your family, we understand the concerns that you may have regarding the costs of hospital care and confinement. With this in mind, Hong Kong Adventist Hospital C Tsuen Wan offers the following packages: 新生命诞生带来喜悦,也是对初为人父母者一连串挑战的开始.香港港安医院―荃湾产科 部的医护人员以专业知识和贴心的服务,陪伴新手父母走过这重要的人生阶段. 同时,了解到有些父母可能因未能预算实际支出而感到顾虑,我们特别推出了以下各项计 划,让大家为未来作好准备. Our Accreditations 评核认可 Dear Prospective Parents 给即将为人父母的您 Delivery Room 分娩室 尊贵设施 贴心照顾 Premier Facilities Unparalleled Comfort Our Rooms 房间

3 Central Monitoring System and Fetal Monitoring 中央监护系统与胎儿监护仪 Real-time data sent to a central monitoring system enable nurses to simultaneously and effectively monitor all mothers and fetuses in the delivery rooms. 先进仪器传输即时数,协助护士监察所有在产房内的母亲和胎儿的 最新状况. Baby Security System 婴儿保安系统 To ensure the safety of all newborns at the hospital, special bands with a 2D barcode are attached onto the legs and wrists of the babies upon delivery. An alarm will be activated immediately if anyone tries to take a baby out of the Maternity Ward without authorization. 婴儿出生后,医护人员会随即为他们戴上电子条码脚环.唯有由戴上 配对腕环的母亲抱起婴儿,保安感应系统方会发出确认声音.若有其 他人抱起婴儿,或婴儿被带离产科病房,保安系统便会立即启动警报. Other facilities 其他设施和设备 Dual Density Mattress 双用高密度护理床褥 LCD Television (inch) 独立液晶体电视 () Local, now TV, and Satellite TV Networks 本港及 星电视频道 Private Computer 专用电脑 Free Wi-Fi 免费无线宽频上网连接 Cordless Telephone with Direct Line 室内无线直线电话 Safe 保险箱 Refrigerator 雪柜 Desk 书台 Sofa Bed 梳化床 Massage Chair 按摩椅 Locker 储物柜 Premium Bath Products 尊贵沐浴用品 Blow-dryer 风筒 Microwave 微波炉 Minibar (includes items such as snacks and juice) 备有小食和果汁 Our Rooms and Facilities 房间类型与设施一览 3-bed 2-bed 1-bed Premium Deluxe Room Room Room Private Private Room Room 3人房 2人房 1人房 优质私家房 尊贵私家房
