编辑: 颜大大i2 2015-09-29
试卷代号 :1360 国家开放大挚{中安广播电视太学)2015 年软季学期"开放卒科"期末考试 离组商务英语阅读试题 201?午l月注意享理 「、持推动字号

1 娃豆豆分泣〔工作站}品静要写在等是载的规定 岳内 s 考试结束后,也武革和主主题鼓挂在桌子上 e 武卷和菩是尊重民均手 得带 th 考埠.


二、仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目妥求和答题示例答题.答案 一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效.

三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效. Information for the examinees: This examination consists of three parts. They are: Part

1 : Reading Comprehension (75 points ,

70 minutes) Part II : Words (10 points ,

10 minutes) Part m: Translation (15 points ,

10 minutes) The total marks for this examination are

100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is

90 minutes.

1441 Part One Qu四tions

1 一7. (21 points) R国d the following p~ 组td then match the statements (1-7)ωthe letter (A, ? , C or D). (3 poin也曲曲} Marketing Is Dead A Traditional marketing-including advertising , public relations , branding and corporate communications一is dead. Many people in traditional marketing roles and organizations may not realize they are operating within a dead paradigm. But they are. The evidence is clear. First, buyers are no longer paying much attention. Several studies have confirmed that in the "buyer' s decision journey," traditional marketing communications just aren' t relevant. Buyers are checking out product and service information in their own way, often through the Internet , and often from sources outside the firm such as word-of-mouth or customer reviews. B Second , CEOs have lost all patience. In a devastating

2011 study of

600 CEOs and decision makers by a London-based marketing group , 73% of thern said that CMO吕lack business credibility 且nd the 且bility to gener且te sufficient business growth. 7z yo are tired of bciog fiì'ìked for moocy without e瓦plaioioK how it will (:;

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1 \lud77% I'U1VI! n!ld it with !l ll thg t!ll\'[ !l bout hr且nd I,lquity thlH [l旦n' t bg lin\(g(\

10 lwtl1ll.1 firm I"I}llilY or nny fl~hH 归国副主i酶d 岳蚂岳阳i属i 嗣引n忌Thi币. in TOò布'主?nrrttA~?n~ly 四川:1

1 m l"副主主 ?nfll赞ò I"nvironm t'-nT二Tr部1iTion白1m~rIH'Tinl! and salcs n?f 凸nly d?csn J 是"",6..k ,,

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1 \jOIIl\二fl'Bm.白il BUyill' , !1 WBI'IB .l!flB WI'Wlll! inn!f'mH!l nnm't 旦自m!豆豆豆l'i1罗!l1ijJlllld. wlth hl!,;

. 日nd. Il豆PIlN I< th~m t\J阳HlYíldii 由毡 L町'ii .\1 ìljl'im.l hiìl l!!~nl-'iiln!'i.J m'"w'i. J 'i!!是g~H!~~hiH属τH~l,? WI"i芒 Y问 try to I'It兽nd U.?tlition主1 l1Luk:llliny lo~i[' inTO rhl" worlò of 章.fiJl l m l"rlí真品 IT 重ímr】ly rlonn' T vvork. ℃ There-' 豆豆 i时δf 昌pé?ulà苦l?!\ 且h?ut wnl\t will l'êplM在thill ?l'?lu\1'\ m.DBI'\I一旦旦I!n~巳thnt Wll ém: only gctting ? ft:w glimp:-ìt:吕of thc Cuturc of m?rketinf,';

00 thc mfirζìn>ì. Actufilh , Wt already kncw in grêa.t dêt?il wh且t the new m?del ?f mn t'k阜ting will look Iikfl. 1t i 旦旦 lrfl!ldy in place in a number of organiz;
