编辑: 哎呦为公主坟 2015-07-02

s most important body of water. HSBC also embedded environmental protection into its business development and operations in China. In vigorous ways, it has adhered to the green credit policy, supported the growth of environment-friendly companies and promoted the transition of high-emission and high pollution businesses. HSBC strictly follows the Equator Principles and other related policies to evaluate the environmental and social risks brought by business activities, so as to meet globally set standards. This concept behind these principles has also been relayed to customers to promote positive changes and improve environmental awareness. HSBC'

s dedication to corporate sustainability in China has been recognised by its stakeholders, from the industry to the regulators to our customers C a recognition that supports the Bank'

s steady growth in the country. In 2013, HSBC was the only foreign bank to receive the China Banking Association'

s Best Green Finance Award . We were also the only foreign company to win the China Charity Award , given by China'

s Ministry of Civil Affairs, for eight straight times. Even the longest journey begins with a single step C as the saying goes. HSBC China is committed to working together with all walks of society to build a more sustainable future.

2 3 2013Corporate Sustainability Report 可持续发展报告 汇丰中国 HSBC China 第一部分:员工篇 Part I : People Huangdi Neijing, an ancient Chinese medical text, said that people is the greatest thing in the world. Similarly, talents play the most important role in realizing corporate sustainability. HSBC China attaches great importance to its employees and builds businesses and shares achievements with them together. HSBC China thinks highly of diversity &

inclusion, respects individual value, and pursues gender equality. The company provides vast opportunities for its employees to realize the value of life and improve spiritual and cultural attainments. In this way, HSBC China connects its goals and the employees'

growth closely. 《黄帝内经》曰: 天覆地载,万物悉备,莫贵于人. 企 业可持续发展,人才至关重要. 汇丰中国非常重视员工,视 之为事业的建设者和成就的分享者. 汇丰中国尊重文化的多元共 融,尊重个体的价值,实现性别平等,为员工搭建实现人生价值、 提升精神文化境界的广阔舞台. 把员工的成长和企业的追求紧紧 联系在一起.

4 5 2013Corporate Sustainability Report 可持续发展报告 汇丰中国 HSBC China 每年的三月八日,汇丰在全球范围内庆祝 国际三八妇女节 . 2013年,汇丰通过一系列活动,来表达对女性员工的感谢和对 她们成绩的肯定. 感悟我们身边语言的多元性,学习一段外语向我们身边的 女性问好! 通过和历史和身边的女性交流,听取历练成为杰出女性的 成功秘诀 . 有奖在线知识竞赛: 猜猜是哪位著名的或者是身边的女性. Every year around the world, International Women'

s Day (IWD) is observed on

8 March. In 2013, HSBC expressed appreciation to the female employees and affirmed their achievements through the following activities: Celebrate IWD &

Celebrate our Cultural Diversity through language! The Power of Being a woman―Your Recipe of Success. Online Quiz-All about Women:Participate in the online contests and show us on how which you know about female leaders in the political, social and HSBC world. 为落实员工关于工作 生活平衡的反馈,汇丰中国近两年来陆续推行了 弹性工作制 、 生日假 期 、 无薪长假 等人性化举措,协助 员工更好地平衡工作 与家庭生活,努力打造 最佳工作场所 ,增强员工归属 感. 考虑到汇丰大多数员 工为女性,推出的 孕期妈妈 宝典获得广泛好评.该 宝典同时向员工和直线经理提供指导,帮助女性员工平 稳过渡孕期. 2013年,汇丰将集团策略和员工意见在全行范围内每个 季度进行抽样调查,积极了解员工对于银行方向的赞同 度和银行文化的匹配程度.在修改《员工手册》、《员 工行为准则》等重要劳动制度的过程中,严格遵照法律 要求,通过内部民主协商等法定程序,在吸收全体员工 意见的基础上,完成各项制度的修订与落实. 汇丰奉行公正公开、竞争择优、任人唯贤的用人选拔机 制,恪守汇丰集团倡导的公平机会以及多元包容的企业 文化,向内部员工和外部应聘者提供公平的就业和职业 发展机会.作为外商投资机构,汇丰中国的本地化用工 比例为95%. 2013年汇丰(中国)通过组织各类文体活动加强各分 行、各部门间的团队精神,提升全体员工对于汇丰大家 庭的归属感与认同感. In 2013, HSBC China conducted sample surveys to collect suggestions on the group'
