编辑: 哎呦为公主坟 2015-07-02
2013HSBC China Corporate Sustainability Report 汇丰中国 可持续发展报告 汇丰银行(中国)有限公司 HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited www.


1 2013Corporate Sustainability Report 可持续发展报告 汇丰中国 HSBC China 2013年,汇丰中国一如既往践行 可持续发展是长远致胜 之道 .坚持以对经济、环境和社会负责任的方式开展业务,并 投资于未来. 汇丰深信教育是关系到未来的重要议题.教育使人类数千年 的文明得以绵延,它改变了人们的观念、态度,引领着人类精神 世界的前行.汇丰的教育项目,致力于针对不同群体的需求提供 可持续的解决方式,同时促进教育资源的合理配置.这些项目涵 盖了幼儿、青少年、老年各个年龄段,通过与社区伙伴的合作, 在智力开发、语言养成、情绪管理、知识普及等方面,建立创新 教育模式.2013年,汇丰中国员工志愿者首次去到西部贫困地 区的农村学校,与孩子们一起学习,生活,陪伴成长.汇丰参与 开发的这些课程和活动,使全国各地逾几十万学生和居家老人受 益,而汇丰在推行金融财商教育方面的不懈努力以及创新实践亦 得到社会各界以及政府相关部门的肯定. 2013年,汇丰及汇丰员工志愿者在助老方面也做了诸多有 益的尝试,包括建立行业第一个服务规范标准,促进老人与社区 的融合,以及 银发理财 公益教育项目. 环保是汇丰可持续发展的另一个重要领域.汇丰分别于 2002年、2006年和2012年捐赠巨额资金,推出了 投资大自 然 , 汇丰与气候伙伴同行 以及 汇丰水资源计划 三个环 保五年计划,引领全社会关注生物多样性,气候变化以及淡水资 源保护等关系全人类可持续发展的重大议题.2013年, 汇丰 水资源计划 所覆盖的地域从长江中下游拓展到上游.该计划以 Throughout 2013, HSBC China strengthened its commitment to sustainable development, which we believe is the way to long-term success. We continued to fulfill our responsibilities to the economy, environment and society, and to doing all we can to ensure a sustainable future. Education is fundamental to the future of mankind, shaping our minds and our outlook of the world, and enabling civilisation to thrive. Subscribing to that belief, HSBC supports education projects in China that benefit a wide age group, from children to the elderly, by providing sustainable solutions for different groups and promoting optimal allocation of limited resources. With our partners, we strive to introduce education models to help people in advancing their intellectual development, language capacity, emotional well- being and financial literacy. In 2013, HSBC China staff volunteers for the first time devoted significant efforts to spending time with students of rural boarding schools in the underdeveloped western provinces. Our educational programmes continued to benefit hundreds of thousands of students and community residents, and our innovative efforts in promoting financial education have also been well-received by local governments and the general public. Last year also saw HSBC volunteers step up efforts in supporting the elderly through various philanthropic projects that enhance geriatric care services, social inclusion and wealth management education for senior citizens. Environmental protection represents another important aspect of HSBC'

s corporate sustainability. Since 2002, HSBC has invested greatly in launching three major programmes C Investing in Nature, HSBC Climate Partnership and HSBC Water Programme C running for five years each and addressing biodiversity, climate change and freshwater resources. The HSBC Water Programme in China expanded its geographic scope to cover all of the lower, middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River. With an integrated river Letter from CEO 总裁致辞 集团总经理 汇丰银行(中国)有限公司副董事长、行长兼行政总裁 Group General Manager Deputy Chaiman,President and Chief Execufive Officer HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited 流域综合治理 理念为本,推动企业,政府和社区之间的密切 合作,结合各方力量,共同保护母亲河. 汇丰更将对环境的责任贯穿在自身业务发展和运营中.汇丰 积极贯彻绿色信贷政策,通过金融手段,助力环保企业的成长, 推动高污染高排放企业的转型.汇丰严格践行 赤道银行 及相 关准则,通盘考虑社会的期望以及商业活动对社会、环境风险的 评估.这种理念也传递给了客户,影响企业内在发生转变,提高 可持续发展意识.2013年,汇丰中国再次荣获中国银行业协会 颁发的 社会责任最佳绿色金融奖 ,是当年唯一获此殊荣的外 资银行. 2013年,汇丰在可持续发展方面的努力得到了各方的认 可.汇丰中国业务的不断增长,是客户给我们的最大的信任与肯 定.汇丰还获得民政部最高奖 中华慈善奖 ,是唯一一家连续 八次获得该奖项的外资企业. 千里之行,始于足下 ,汇丰中国愿与您一起创造更美好 的未来! basin management concept, it promotes collaboration among the business, government and community in urban and rural areas to protect perhaps China'
