编辑: jingluoshutong 2019-08-04
新型煤气化技术工业示范合作项目 (阳煤集团-GTI) Industry Demonstration Project of New Gasification Technology (Yangquan Coal Industry Group-GTI) 阳泉煤业(集团)有限责任公司 Yangquan Coal Industry (Group) Co.

, Ltd August,

2015 Montana, 1st CCIF

1 2 Yangquan Coal Industry Group 本项目针对高灰熔点(AFT>

1500℃)粉煤气化的难题,合作开发新型 煤气化工业技术. GTI, Yangquan Coal Industry Group and ECEC cooperate to develop a novel gasification technology in order to solve the gasification problem of pulverized coal with high ash fusion temperature (AFT>

1500℃). 本项目由GTI提供技术基础,阳煤集团投资建设工业示范装置并负责 生产运行,ECEC公司提供工程设计服务. In this project, GTI provides technology support, Yangquan Coal Industry Group is responsible for the investment, construction and operation of the industrial demonstration plant, and ECEC provides engineering design services . 目录 CONTENTS 1. 阳煤集团概况 Overview of Yangquan Coal Industry Group 2. 项目实施背景 Background 3. 项目进展 Project Progress 4. 项目规划 Project Plan

3 Yangquan Coal Industry Group 目录 CONTENTS 1. 阳煤集团概况 Overview of Yangquan Coal Industry Group 2. 项目实施背景 Background 3. 项目进展 Project Progress 4. 项目规划 Project Plan

4 Yangquan Coal Industry Group 1. 阳煤集团概况 Overview of Yangquan Coal Industry 集团简介 Introduction 阳煤集团是一家以煤为基,多元化发展的现代企业集团,产业涉及煤炭、化工、装 备制造、物流贸易、地产、铝电、现代服务业等方向,是中国最大的无烟煤生产基地. 其煤化工产业规模在中国名列前茅,拥有中国最大的煤化工设备制造公司. Yangquan Coal Industry (Group) Company Limited (the Group ) is a coal-based diversified modern enterprise group with businesses of coal, chemical industry, assembling manufacturing, trading logistics, real estate, aluminum electrolysis and modern service. The Group is the largest anthracite production base in China. The Group is also one of the best in coal chemical industry in China, running the largest coal chemical engineering equipment manufacturing company of China.

5 Yangquan Coal Industry Group 贸易物流 Trading logistics $85.4 billion 化工 Chemical industry $40.7 billion 铝电 Aluminum electrolysis $29.1 billion 煤炭 Coal $21.9 billion 中小企业 Modern service industry $10.5 billion 地产 Real estate $9.8 billion 装备制造 Assembling machinofacture $7.2 billion 集团简介 Introduction 2014年煤炭产量6956万吨,营业收入2046亿元,总资产合计1700亿元.2015年世界 500强第409位. In 2014, the Group produced 69.56 million tons of coal. Total operating income amounted to RMB 204.6 billion with total assets of RMB

170 billion. The Group ranks 409th among the Fortune Global

500 companies in 2015.

6 Yangquan Coal Industry Group 1. 阳煤集团概况 Overview of Yangquan Coal Industry 化工产业 Chemical Industry ? 拥有阳煤化工、山西三维、太化股份三家上市公司,形成了农用化工、基础化工、 精细化工、新型煤化工、化工新材料、化工装备制造六大板块,是阳煤集团规模最 大、增长最快的产业. ? The chemical industry is the largest and fastest-growing industry of the Group, which has six sectors: agricultural chemicals, basic chemicals, fine chemicals, new coal chemical industry, new chemical materials and chemical equipment manufacturing, and three listed companies: Yangquan Coal Chemical Industry Company Limited, Shanxi Sanwei Group Company Limited and Taiyuan Chemical Industry Company Limited. ? 现有化工产品80余种,2014年化工产品总产量942万吨,其中尿素产量520万吨,位 列中国前三. ? The Group produces more than

80 kinds of chemical products. In 2014, the total output was 9.42 million tons, and urea output was 5.2 million tons, ranking top three of China.

7 Yangquan Coal Industry Group 1. 阳煤集团概况 Overview of Yangquan Coal Industry 目录 CONTENTS 1. 阳煤集团概况 Overview of Yangquan Coal Industry Group 2. 项目实施背景 Background 3. 项目进展 Project Progress 4. 项目规划 Project Plan

8 Yangquan Coal Industry Group 山西煤种特点 Characteristics of Shanxi Coal ? 山西省气化用煤大多灰熔点在1500℃以上,灰分含量在20%以上,煤炭产 量85%为粉煤. ? Ash fusion temperature (AFT)>

1500℃,ash >

20%. 85% of Shanxi coal is pulverized coal. ? 阳煤集团煤炭总储量100亿吨,70%以上属于高灰熔点煤,是山西气化煤的 典型代表. ? As a typical representative of Shanxi Coal, the Group reserves

10 billion tons of coal, of which 70% is high AFT coal.

9 Yangquan Coal Industry Group 2. 项目实施背景 Background

10 Yangquan Coal Industry Group 中国高灰熔点煤分布情况 The distribution of high AFT coal in China 中国高灰熔点煤分布 Distribution of High AFT Coal ? 高灰熔点煤占全国探明储量50% (中国科学技术发展报告,2007) ? 50% of China'

s total coal reserves is high AFT coal (Report on the Development of Science and Technology in China, 2007) 2. 项目实施背景 Background 高灰熔点煤 High AFT Coal 15%块煤 15% lump coal 85%粉煤 85% pulverized coal BGL gasifier UGI gasifier 现有技术均需配煤或添加助熔剂 Coal blending or adding flux agent are required. 高灰熔点煤区域煤化工发展受到限制 The development of coal chemical industry is hampered at the high AFT coal area. 高灰熔点煤气化难题 Problem of High AFT Coal

11 Yangquan Coal Industry Group 2. 项目实施背景 Background ? 共有307台气化炉, UGI炉297台,清华炉4台,在建航天炉6台. ? Has

307 gasifiers:

297 UGI gasifiers,

4 non-slag-slag grading oxygen gasifiers and

6 HT-L gasifiers. ? 化工产业用煤总共784万吨,无烟块煤452万吨,燃料煤257万吨,外购低灰熔点配 煤75万吨. ? Uses

784 million tons of coal:

452 million tons of anthracite,

257 million tons of fuel coal and

75 million tons of pulverized coal which is purchased outside with ATF below

1500 ℃. ? 阳煤集团化工产业发展对高灰熔点粉煤气化炉具有大量需求(≥1.5 GWt). ? Has a large demand of gasifiers to gasify high AFT coal (≥1.5 GWt) . 阳煤气化炉现状 Gasifiers of the Group

12 Yangquan Coal Industry Group 2. 项目实施背景 Background ? 该新型气化技术气化温度高达2500℃以上,可在不添加助熔剂或配煤的情况下气化 高灰熔点煤.该气化技术工业示范成功后,可解决山西煤种灰熔点高,气化难度大........
