编辑: QQ215851406 2015-04-05
Pumping and Storing Breast Milk 用吸奶器吸出乳汁和储存乳汁 You may need to express or pump breast milk to relieve engorgement, to increase your milk supply or to feed your baby breastmilk with a bottle.

Why and When to Pump ? To soften your breasts if your baby is having trouble latching on. ? Pump for a few minutes and try your baby at your breast again. ? To have a milk supply when your baby is unable to breastfeed or to store breast milk. ? ? Pump every

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4 hours through the day and one time at night. ? To increase your milk supply. ? ? Pump every

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3 hours if you are not breastfeeding, or ? ? Pump between feedings as often as you can. ? ? Pump on the second breast if your baby only nurses on one side. ? To prepare to return to work or school. ? ? Pump one time each day, between feedings to store extra milk. Morning is a good time to pump. ? ? Pump extra milk and store it at least

2 weeks before your return date. ? ? Pump at least every

4 hours when away. 为了缓解涨奶、促进乳汁分泌或用奶瓶喂宝 宝乳汁,可能需要挤出乳汁或用吸奶器吸出 乳汁. 吸奶的原因和时机 ? 如果乳房过硬,宝宝无法吸住,可用吸奶 器使乳房软化. ? 用吸奶器吸奶数分钟后,再让宝宝吸 住乳头. ? 宝宝无法吃母乳时,为了保持乳汁的分泌 或为了储存乳汁,也需要用吸奶器吸奶. ? 白天每2至4小时用吸奶器吸奶一次, 夜间用吸奶器吸奶一次. ? 增加乳汁的分泌. ? 如果不用母乳喂养宝宝,则每隔2至3 小时用吸奶器吸奶一次;

或? 在喂奶的间隙,尽可能多用吸奶器吸 奶. ? 如果宝宝只吃一侧的乳房,则要吸另 一侧乳房. ? 准备重新上班或上学. ? 每天在喂奶的间隙用吸奶器吸奶一 次,保存多余的乳汁.早晨是用吸奶 器吸奶的好时机. ? 在重新上班或上学日期前,至少提前 两周开始用吸奶器吸出和储存多余的 乳汁. ? 不在家时,至少每隔4小时用吸奶器吸 奶一次.

2 Ways to Express Breast Milk ? By hand ? ? Massage breast toward nipple to express milk. ? With a pump ? ? There are manual and electric breast pumps. ? ? Pump for about

10 minutes on each breast any time you pump. Getting Started ? Wash your hands with soap and water. ? Have a clean container ready for collecting the milk. ? Find a relaxing position in a quiet spot and think about your baby. ? Massage your breast and take slow easy breaths. ? For privacy while pumping, cover your breasts and pump container with a blanket or towel. Collecting and Storing Breast Milk ? Use sterile glass bottles, plastic bottles or milk storage bags made for breast milk. Do not use disposable bottle liners because they are too thin. ? Store breast milk in

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5 ounce portions to avoid wasting breast milk. ? Breast milk from different pumpings can be added together if the milk is pumped during the same 24-hour day. 如何挤出乳汁 ? 用手挤 ? 向乳头方向按摩乳房,挤出乳汁. ? 使用吸奶器 ? 吸奶器有手工和电动两种. ? 每次用吸奶器吸奶时,每侧乳房吸奶 大约10分钟. 注意事项 ? 先用肥皂和水洗手. ? 准备干净的容器盛奶. ? 找一个僻静处,让身体放松,想自己的宝 宝. ? 按摩乳房,呼吸放缓和放轻松. ? 用吸奶器吸奶时为保护隐私,可用毯子或 毛巾遮着乳房和吸奶器. 收集和储存乳汁 ? 应该使用专门用来储存乳汁的无菌玻璃 瓶、塑料瓶或储奶袋.切勿使用一次性使 用的奶瓶内袋,因为此种内袋过薄. ? 乳汁分份储存,每份2至5盎司,以避免浪 费乳汁. ? 24小时内分次吸出的乳汁可合在一起.
