编辑: liubingb 2015-03-26
1 China Coffee Industry Development and Government Policy 中国果品流通协会咖啡豆分会 Coffee Branch of China Fruit Marketing Association (CCA) g

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2013 中国咖啡产业规模 中国咖啡最大的咖啡生产基地在云南省,栽种面积及产量分别占全国咖啡种植 面积的96%、98.

5%.全国咖啡种植面积140万亩(93333公顷)、商品豆产量8.3 万吨. 万吨 The Scope of Coffee Industry in China Yunnan Province is the largest coffee growing region in China. The plantation areas reach around 96%, and production yields are 98.5% of all China. There are 93,000 hectares plantation areas and the bean production sums up to 83,000 tons.

2 云南咖啡原产地分布 中国云南省初步形成了优势区域布局,全省已形成了保山、德宏、普洱和临沧 四大主产区.海南岛分布在澄迈福山、万宁和三亚. The Distribution of Coffee Growing Areas in Yunnan There are four main growing areas in Yunnan, including Baoshan, Dehong, Puer and Lincang. Hainan Province has three main growing areas, namely Chengmai, Wanning and Sanya. 中国咖啡深加工配套工业 国内仅有 国内仅有4 4个较大的咖啡深加工厂家:云南后谷、海南力神、雀巢和麦斯威尔.国 个较大的咖啡深加工厂家:云南后谷、海南力神、雀巢和麦斯威尔.国 内最大的速溶粉生产者,设计产能达到 内最大的速溶粉生产者,设计产能达到13000 13000多吨的云南后谷.雀巢在广州的生产线 多吨的云南后谷.雀巢在广州的生产线 有有2000 2000吨,麦斯威尔 吨,麦斯威尔1000 1000吨,海南的力神年生产能力 吨,海南的力神年生产能力600 600吨.年产不足 吨.年产不足100 100吨的深加工 吨的深加工 厂仅 厂仅5 5家左右. 家左右. 厂仅 厂仅5 5家左右. 家左右. Coffee processing factories There are only four large coffee processing factories in the country, including Yunnan Hogood、Hainan Lisun、Nestle and Maxwell House. Hogood is the biggest instant coffee company in China with an output of over 13,000 tons. Nestle has a 2,000 tons production line in Guangzhou. Maxwell House has 1,000 tons output, and Hainan Lisun is

600 tons output per year. There are another

5 coffee processing companies with less than

100 tons each every year. .

3 咖啡科学研究配套体系 ( (1 1)云南省农业科学院 )云南省农业科学院 ( (2 2)云南省热作研究所 )云南省热作研究所 ( (3 3)云南省热经研究所 )云南省热经研究所 Technological and Scientific Research ? Tropical Commercial Crop Research Institute of Yunnan Provincial Agricultural Science Academy ? Tropical Crop Research Institute of Dehong ( ( ) 南省热 研究所 ) 南省热 研究所 ( (4 4)云南省热带作物学院 )云南省热带作物学院 Autonomous Canton ? Yunnan Tropical Crop Research Institute ? Yunnan Provincial Tropical Crop Academy 中国咖啡的消费市场 目前,咖啡消费在中国城市里,平均每人每年的咖啡消费量是4 杯,即使是在北京、上海这样的大城市,每人每年的消费量也仅有20 杯.而在日本和英国,平均每人每天就要喝一杯咖啡. Coffee Consumption in China At present, the coffee consumption is

4 cups per person per year in the cities. Even in big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai there are only

20 cups per person every year.

4 2011年国内咖啡消费量在8万吨左右,占世界消费量的0.7%,今后三年 增长率将超过20%,传统现磨咖啡将增速达30%.预计到2015年国内咖啡消 费量将达16万吨,2020年达到30万吨,届时将成为亚州第二大咖啡消费国. In 2011, the domestic coffee consumption has been approximately 80,000 tons, and about 0.7% of world consumption. It will see increase rates over 20% within three years, and traditional grind coffee will increase around 30% soon. In 2015, domestic coffee consumption will reach approximately 160,000 tons. In 2020, it will reach around 300,000 tons. At that time, China will become the second largest coffee consumption country in Asia. 台湾整体市场超500亿台币,每人每年平均消费100杯.2012年11 月,被今日美国报(USA Today)旅游版(Smarter Travel)被评选为全球 十大最佳品尝咖啡的城市,台北称为唯一上榜的亚洲城市,名列第10. The whole coffee market in Taiwan has over
