编辑: gracecats 2015-03-22
第31 卷第2期中国电机工程学报Vol.

31 No.2 Jan.15,

2011 2011 年1月15 日Proceedings of the CSEE ?2011 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng.

85 文章编号:0258-8013 (2011) 02-0085-06 中图分类号:TK

121 文献标志码:A 学科分类号:470・20 基于非支配排序遗传算法的 无约束多目标优化配煤模型 夏季,华志刚,彭鹏,陆潘,张成,陈刚 (煤燃烧国家重点实验室(华中科技大学),湖北省 武汉市 430074) A Model of Unconstrained Multi-objective Optimization of Coal Blending Based on the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm XIA Ji, HUA Zhigang, PENG Peng, LU Pan, ZHANG Cheng, CHEN Gang (State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion (Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Wuhan 430074, Hubei Province, China) ABSTRACT: To overcome the shortcomings of single- objective optimization model for coal blending, a multi- objective optimization model which all the coal quality indicators were considered as optimum targets was established. According to the characteristics of each indicator, three objective functions were built to reflect the security, economical and environmental requirements of coal blending. As a good multi-objective optimization algorithm, non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) with some appropriate improvements was used to gain the optimum solution. This method was applied in a multi-objective coal blending problem of a real power plant, and well-distributed Pareto-optimal solutions were obtained. These blending solutions can provide a variety of options for the power plant personnel in a number of interrelated decision-making between the objectives. KEY WORDS: thermal power plant;

coal blending;

multi-objective optimization;

non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm 摘要: 分析单目标动力配煤模型的缺点, 提出多目标优化配 煤模型, 模型将所有煤质指标都作为优化目标, 根据每个指 标的特点构建出安全性、 经济性和环保性

3 个目标函数. 引 入带有精英策略的非支配排序遗传算法(non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm,NSGA-II)作为该模型的寻优算法, 并结合配煤问题的特点对原算法进行适当改进和调整, 对某 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(50721005);

广东省重大科技专 项项目资助(2008A080800029). Project Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)(50721005);

Grand Scientific Special Foundation of Guangdong Province(2008A080800029). 电厂的实际配煤问题进行求解,得到分布较好的 Pareto 最 优解集, 这些解为电厂配煤人员在多个相互关联的目标之间 进行决策时提供了多样的选择, 具有很好的指导作用和应用 价值. 关键词:火电厂;




0 引言 动力配煤作为一种洁净煤技术,是解决电厂燃 用非设计煤种带来的煤耗增加、炉膛结渣、水冷壁 高温腐蚀、污染物排放超标等问题的有效手段,目前, 已广泛应用于我国电力工业中[1-5] . 对于单设计 煤种的火电厂,如果要采用混煤燃烧,将会涉及到 电厂购煤、存煤、输煤、制粉、锅炉燃烧以及污染 物排放等众多问题,是一个系统工程.如何合理地 选择配煤方案,成为配煤技术的一个难点. 传统的动力配煤可以抽象为一个在一定的约 束条件和目标函数下的数学规划问题[6] ,通常以锅 炉的煤质和燃烧特性指数为约束,以混煤的价格最 低[7] 或其他特殊要求[8] 为目标.然而,以煤价为单 目标的优化结果不能全面地体现出配煤方案的实 际意义,在电厂应用中,还希望知道某个配煤方案 的安全性和环保性,以便做出综合决策.因此,本 文提出以经济性、安全性和环保性为基础的多目标 优化配煤模型. 基于Pareto 最优解理论的NSGA-II(non- dominated sorting genetic algorithms-II)算法[9-10] 是 一种性能优良的多目标进化算法,能在一次运行以 后得到多个 Pareto 最优解[11] . 本文尝试将 NSGA-II
