编辑: 雨林姑娘 2014-12-29
中国复印机 节能认证 符合美国 能源之星标准 中国复印机1级 能源效率标准 MX-3138NC 中国环境 标志产品认证 功能多样、图像清晰, 彩色商务全面升级! 中国低碳 标志产品认证 广告 2013.

04 MX-2638NC/3138NC MX-2638NC/3138NC 夏普数码彩色复合机 本图片中产品已包含选购件 网络彩色扫描 网络打印 彩色复印 传真 Sharpdesk 选购 中国复印机2级 能源效率标准 MX-2638NC 高性能图像处理系统 轻松的高质量复印 自动色彩模式分析每页原稿并自动识别图片或文字. 自动曝光模式自动消除背景 色, 以便更清楚地输出. 自动色彩选择区别彩色或黑白原稿, 选择合适的复印模 式. 因此, MX-2638NC/3138NC能清晰打印地图上细小的文字, 并消除报纸杂志 复印件上不必要的底色. 夏普采用高精度图像处理芯片技术, 结合新一代超微细墨粉Mycrostoner-HG, 实现令人叹为观止的图像质量. 新的墨粉颗粒更加细小均匀, 成像还原更加细腻 逼真, 颜色再现范围更加广泛, 可完成照片插图文字等高质量超清晰输出, 图像精 细流畅, 令人印象深刻. 清晰锐利的文字和图像 MX-2638NC/3138NC采用数字平滑处理技术, 打印复印分辨率最高达到9,600 (相当) *600dpi. 质感细腻的照片, 细节详微的插图和

图表以及细小线条和文 字均能细致呈现. 自动色彩模式 原稿 复印件 自动识别 Exotic Tropical Vacations Imagine that you are sitting by the beach, enjoying the sun and a fruit drink in your hand. You would probably think of an exotic tropical vacation with loads of fun and excitement. Even just the thought of it feels so relaxing, how much more when you are actually there. So, why wait any further? Start planning your next vacation in one of the many tropical getaways. Here are some of the things that you can do while you are on a tropical vacation. You can bask under the sun while lying in a hammock, sipping fruit juice from a coconut shell and enjoying the breath taking view of the sea. This way, you can experience the slow and easygoing life relieving all the stress from your mind and body. Exotic Tropical Vacations Imagine that you are sitting by the beach, enjoying the sun and a fruit drink in your hand. You would probably think of an exotic tropical vacation with loads of fun and excitement. Even just the thought of it feels so relaxing, how much more when you are actually there. So, why wait any further? Start planning your next vacation in one of the many tropical getaways. Here are some of the things that you can do while you are on a tropical vacation. You can bask under the sun while lying in a hammock, sipping fruit juice from a coconut shell and enjoying the breath taking view of the sea. This way, you can experience the slow and easygoing life relieving all the stress from your mind and body. 文字 照片 字符细致清楚, 并 消除不必要的底色 高效商务 , 精彩呈现 图像精美, 品质卓越 供纸充足 对于大批量复印打印, 可以选购500张+2,000张多层纸盒, 使供纸容量最大可达 3,100张. 自动纸盒切换功能可以自动切换到放置同种规格纸张的纸盒, 让您安 心进行大批量的复印打印任务. 电子分页和错位分套 一次扫描/多次复印功能, 对多页原稿, 只需扫描一次, 然后自动将数据保存在内 存中, 并以套为单位将复印件按序输出 (电子分页) , 每套之间都错开一定距离 (错位分套) , 方便拿取. 大量原稿复印模式 *1 A4尺寸,80克. *2 存储页面数量取决于本机的硬盘容量和其他条件. RSPF大批量分批复印能轻松处理超过100张*1 原稿的复印任务. 例如: 一本270页 原稿被分成100页+100页+70页三批扫描, 并自动保存在硬盘*2 中, 然后用户就可以 将整个文档一次性复印输出. 复印 复印 复印 打印 打印 扫描 数码彩色复合机 MX-2638NC/3138NC 高效彩色黑白输出 能够实现26/31页/分钟*的快速复印打印, 首页复印时间彩 色约8.1/7.9秒, 黑白约5.9/5.8秒, 有助于节省时间. 较短走 纸通道可减少卡纸, 降低纸张和墨粉消耗. *A4横向. 此图片为合成图 复印 打印 复印 打印
