编辑: 施信荣 2014-11-09

电话:15650716145 电子

邮箱: heqianjun16@mails.ucas.ac.cn 通信地址:北京市石景山区玉泉路

19 号(甲)中国科学院大学,邮编:100049 教育背景 2009/09―2013/07 湖南科技学院理学院,获理学学士学位. 2013/09―2016/07 中国矿业大学(北京)理学院,获理学硕士学位. 导师:吴新峰副教授 2016/09―至今 中国科学院大学数学科学学院,攻读理学博士学位. 导师:燕敦验教授 研究成果 (姓名后面加*表示通讯作者) 1. Qianjun He* and Dunyan Yan, Weighted Boundedness of Hardy and Polya-Knopp Type Operators With Variable Limits On Product Spaces, Advances in Mathemtics (China), Vol. 47, No.

5 (2018) , 735-753. 2. Qianjun He*, Mingquan Wei and Dunyan Yan, Characterizations of p-adic central Campanato space via communator of p-adic Hardy type operators, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society. (Accepted) 3. Qianjun He* and Dunyan Yan, Sharp bounds for Hardy type operators on higher-dimensional product Spaces, submitted to Frontiers of Mathematics in China. (Accepted) 4. Qianjun He* and Dunyan Yan, Sharp weak bounds and limiting weak-type behavior for Hardy type operator, submitted to Journal of Mathematical Inequalities. (On the review) 5. Xiang Li, Qianjun He* and Dunyan Yan, Boundedness of multilinear Littlewood-Paley operators on Amalgam-Campanato spaces, submitted to Acta Mathematica Scientia. (On the review) 6. Qianjun He* and Dunyan Yan, SHARP OFF-DIAGONAL WEIGHTED WEAK TYPE ESTIMATES FOR SPARSE OPERATORS, submitted to Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series. (On the review) 7. Qianjun He* and Dunyan Yan, BILINEAR FRACTIONAL INTEGRAL OPERATORS ON MORREY SPACES, submitted to Potential Analysis. (On the review) 8. Chao Deng, Qianjun He*, Xiang Li and Dunyan Yan, SMOOTHNESS CONDITIONS FOR LOGARITHMIC MULTILINEAR MULTIPLIERS, submitted to Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis. 9. Chao Deng, Qianjun He, Xiang Li* and Dunyan Yan, Anisentropic maximal function and Littlewood-Paley theorem with applications to general diffusion system, submitted to Journal of Differential Equation. 10. Qianjun He* and Dunyan Yan, WEIGHTED ESTIMATES FOR BILINEAR FRACTIONAL INTEGRAL OPERATORS AND THEIR COMMUTATORS ON MORREY SPACES, submitted to Forum Mathematicum. 11. Qianjun He* and Dunyan Yan, Mixed ??,? ? ?∞ estimates with one supremum, preprint. 12. Qianjun He, Xinfeng Wu* and Dunyan Yan, Regularity of Commutators of Multilinear Fractional Integral Opeartor on Morrey Spaces, preprint. 13. Qianjun He, Juan Zhang*, and Dunyan Yan, MULTILINEAR FRACTIONAL INTEGRALS ON MORREY SPACES OVER METRIC MEASURE SPACES, preprint. 科研项目 2015-2018年,参加国家自然科学基金面上项目: "振荡积分及相关课题研究, " 基金号: 11471309, 项目经费总额为

60 万元. 学术交流 2016/08 第七届世界华人数学家大会(北京) 2017/10 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HARMONIC ANALYSIS AND ITS APPLICATIONS― In Memory of the 100th Birthday of Min-Teh Cheng, Beijing 2017/11

2017 年调和分析年会(北京) 2018/05 Tianyuan Advanced Seminar on Harmonic analysis, Geometry and Partial Differential Equations 2018/06 International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Its Applications 获奖情况 2011年获湖南科技学院三等奖学金 2011年获全国大学生数学建模竞赛湖南赛区本科组二等奖 2011年获高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛本科组二等奖 2012年湖南省高校大学生数学竞赛(数学类)三等奖 2016年获"羽众"海淀区全民健身羽毛球联赛东北赛区竞技组男子单打项目 第五名 2017年获第二届动享-YONEX 中国高校校友羽毛球联赛乙组 第四名 2018年获中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院院长奖学金 主修课程 本科阶段:数学分析;
