编辑: wtshxd 2014-10-24
Revision Date 更新日期: 01/01/2019 本院提供各项医疗服务.

下列价目表只列出常用项目,其他服务及收费详情请向有关部门查询. 价格调整及服务详情如有任何更改,恕不另行通告. A range of services is provided by the Hospital. The following tables only show common chargeable items.? Please refer to the respective department for further pricing information on other services provided. Prices and services information are subject to change without prior notice. St. Teresa'

s Hospital 圣德肋撒医院 Common Chargeable Items 常用项目收费 Deposit Extra Bed Remarks Main Block East Wing North Wing South Wing 按金 陪人床收费 备注 大楼 东座 北座 南座 Premium Suite 套房 $10,800 - $14,800 - - - $60,000

2 free companion beds inclusive, $1,000 for each extra companion. 免收首两位陪人床费用, 额外每位$1,000 PP 客、饭厅,豪华浴室设备 Living and dining rooms, deluxe bathroom Premium Private Room 优质私家房 $3,000-$3,900 - - - $30,000 $500 PR 客厅及豪华浴室设备 Sitting room and bathroom Private Room 私家房 $1,700 - $1,900 $1,900 $1,700-$1,900 - $20,000 $380 PR Bathroom, #T.V., Refrigerator (partly) Semi-private Single Room 半私家单人房 - $1,600 - - Microwave oven(partly) 浴厕, Standard Semi-private Room #电视, 雪柜(部份) 标准双人房 微波h炉(部份) 3-4 Bedded Room 三至四人房 5-7 Bedded Room 五至七人房 8-11 Bedded Room 八至十一人房 Private Room 私家房 $2,050 - $2,300 - - - Single Room 单人房 $1,700 - $1,850 $1,700 - - Standard Semi-private Room 标准双人房 3-5 Bedded Room 三至五人房 Cot 育婴箱 $900 - - - Incubator 温箱 $1,050 - - - Incubator with Phototherapy 温箱及照灯 Facilities commensurate Premium Private Room 优质私家房 $2,700 - - - Private Room 私家房 $1,700 - - - with ward type Superior Semi-private Room 优质双人房 设备与病房类别相符 Standard Semi-private Room 标准双人房

3 Bedded Room 三人房

6 Bedded Room 六人房

5 Bedded Room (Ante-natal) 产前五人房 开心价 Nursery 婴儿寄养 $900 - - - $7,000 Premium Private Room ^ 优质私家房 ^ $6,300 - - - $40,000 $500 PP Private Room 私家房 $5,000 - - - $30,000 $380 PR Semi-private Room 双人房 $4,000 - - - $25,000 $280 SP Standard Ward 标准房 $3,000 - - - $20,000 $180 SW Single Room 单人房 $430 Standard Ward 标准房 $380 Note: 1. Foreign tourists requiring admission into the hospital have to pay an initial deposit of HK$40,000 or more in cash or by credit card. 2. Hospital charges are payable once every

4 days (once every

2 days for Special Care Unit). 3. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. 4. An additional amount of HK$200 will be charged for each change of bed or room requested by patients. 5. Relatives who stay after 10:00 p.m. (whether they use bed or not) are required to pay extra bed charges. For private room, the maximum number of companion permitted is two;

for other wards, only one companion is allowed. Companion for child patient aged

12 or below will not be charged for the extra bed charges (Free for one companion only). 6. The above prices are exclusive of doctor'

s fee, which includes fees for operation, anaesthetic, doctor'

s visit, special consultation, etc. Please refer to your physician for details. 7. This schedule only shows the room / bed charges. Please refer to Accounts Department or the respective departments / wards for the pricing information of other services provided. 8. Medical and associated charges are commensurate with the bed type of ward. 9. Wi-Fi Broadband Internet Acess is provided in wards. 注: 2. 所有房租及治疗等费用,须每四天结帐一次 (特别治疗部每两天结帐一次) . 4. 病人如要求转房或床,每次转换需缴付额外费用港币二佰元正. 5. 晚上十时后,家属欲陪伴病者,不论是否占用陪人床均需要收费.半私家房及普通病房病者祗限壹名家属陪伴;
