编辑: 迷音桑 2014-07-17
上海金山工业区金飞路2558号(201505) No.

2558 Jinfei Road,Jinshan Industrial Zone, Shanghai

201505 - CHINA Phone: +86 (0)21

6722 3661 / Fax: +86 (0)21

6722 3668 / Email: info@encresdubuit.com.cn 迪芘油墨 迪芘油墨 迪芘油墨 迪芘油墨(上海 上海 上海 上海)有限公司 有限公司 有限公司 有限公司 Encres DUBUIT (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD Sustainable development and social responsibility. Encres Dubuit Shanghai recognizes the special responsibilities it has towards Labor and Human Rights, Health and Safety, Environment impact & Ethics and is committed to : - Uphold human rights of workers. Treat workers with dignity & respect - Create safe working conditions & a healthy work environment for all workers - Reduce the environmental impact of the manufacturing processes & wastes emissions - Use the highest standards of ethics with workers, customers, suppliers Comprehensive management systems have been implemented to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, identify and mitigate related operational risks and facilitate continuous improvement on the long run. 可持续性发展和社会责任 可持续性发展和社会责任 可持续性发展和社会责任 可持续性发展和社会责任 迪芘油墨(上海)有限公司承诺对于劳动权益和人权、健康与安全,环境影响以及道德规范负有重要责任: - 维护员工的权益. 尊重员工 - 创造安全的工作条件以及为所有员工提供健康的工作环境 - 减少生产环节对环境造成的影响以及废弃物的排放 - 对员工,客户,供应商使用最高级别的行为准则 为了确保遵从相应的法律法规,公司实施了综合管理体系,识别并降低相关的经营风险并推动长期持续性发展.
