编辑: Mckel0ve 2019-08-01
Methods: 1.

Peel and de-seed winter melon. Cut into rectangular chunks. Steam in Miele puresteam at 100°C for

15 minutes. Drain and let cool. Peel and grate ginger. Squeeze the juice out. Stir sugar in boiling water until it dissolves. Add ginger juice and mix well. 2. Place all ingredients into a double-steaming pot. Pour ginger syrup over. Steam in Miele puresteam at 100°C for

30 minutes. Let cool and refrigerate. Serve chilled. Cooking tips: ? Miele puresteam holds enough water for a few hours of continuous steaming. Making double-steamed courses with Miele puresteam, you don't need to keep an eye on it or refill the water at all. It's safe and convenient. ? Miele DGC

6800 XL built-in steam combination oven features an extra- large 48-litre cabinet. You can make

18 pots of double-steamed items in individual serving sizes all at once. You may even use

18 different recipes to cater to everyone's taste. INGREDIENTS

400 g winter melon,

50 g ginger,

1 pack lotus seeds,

1 head fresh lily bulb,

1 tbsp dried longans,

3 tbsp sugar,

2 cups boiling water DOUBLE-STEAMED WINTER MELON WITH LILY BULB AND LOTUS SEEDS (serves 4) 做法: 1. 冬瓜去皮去籽,切骨牌状,入Miele蒸炉以100℃蒸15分钟.沥去水份 待凉.姜去皮磨茸,出姜汁.砂糖加入沸水中拌至溶解,再拌入姜汁. 2. 所有材料放炖盅,淋上姜汁糖浆,放入Miele蒸炉以100℃蒸30分钟, 待冷放雪柜冷藏即可. 烹调小贴士: ? Miele蒸炉可提供长达几小时的蒸气烹调时间,制作炖品不用睇火或频 频加水,安全可靠. ? Miele DGC

6800 XL嵌入式蒸h炉,48公升容量特大,可同时炮制18盅 炖品,因应各人喜好,每盅口味不同. 材料 冬瓜400克、姜50克、莲子肉1包、鲜百合1个、圆肉1汤匙、砂糖3汤匙、沸水2杯 莲子百合姜汁炖冬瓜 (4位份)
