编辑: 没心没肺DR 2013-07-14
收稿日期:2016-02-03 基金项目:国家林业公益性行业专项项目 新疆特色林果提质增效关键技术研究与示范 (201304701-2) 作者简介:孙明森,硕士研究生;


com 通讯作者:李宏,研究员,博士 引文格式:孙明森,李宏,程平,等.井式灌溉下不同径级成龄灰枣光合特性差异研究 [J]. 中南林业科技大学学报,2017, 37(3): 32-38. Doi:10.14067/j.cnki.1673-923x.2017.03.005 http: //qks.csuft.edu.cn 在干旱区、半干旱区,水资源是经济发展所 需的最重要的自然资源 [1] .阿克苏地区属干旱区、 半干旱区,气候干燥,降雨量少,日照长,是全 国太阳辐射量较多的地区之一,光热资源十丰富, 昼夜温差大,无霜期长,具有冬季干冷,夏季干 热的特点,是我国绿色食品生产基地,适宜红枣 生产,截至

2012 年,红枣种植面积已达 47.37 万hm2[2-4] .阿克苏农业用水量大,新时期面临资源形 势更加严峻,农业干旱缺水呈现愈来愈严重的态 势[5] .为解决阿克苏日益严重的灌溉用水问题,井 式灌溉新型节水灌溉方式的发明 [6] ,为节水灌溉提 供了新的指导方向.光合作用是果树生长和结果的 井式灌溉下不同径级成龄灰枣光合特性差异研究 孙明森

1 , 李宏2,程平2,张志刚

1 , 刁凯1,苗乾乾

1 , 李长城

1 , 韩莹莹

3 (1. 新疆农业大学 林学与园艺学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052;

2. 新疆林业科学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000;

3. 新疆师范大学,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830054) 摘要:研究井式灌溉下,地径(12±0.5)cm 灰枣记为 C1,地径(18±0.5)cm 灰枣记为 C2,阿克苏不同径 级的成龄灰枣坐果期日动态的光合特性差异.使用 Li6400 光合仪在晴朗无云的天气,对C

1、C2 进行光合指标 测定.结果表明:(1)通过日动态可知 C

1、C2 的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)均呈 明显的双峰曲线,12:00―15:00 存在明显 午休现象 .(2)C2 比C1 的Pn、Tr 分别大 1.8 μmol・m-2 s-1 、0.61 mmol・m-2 s-1 ,C

1、C2 的WUE 不显著,Pn、Tr 差异极限著.(3)Gs 是C

1、C2 最主要的内外环境影响因子. C

1、C2 均呈双峰曲线,C2 有较高的 Pn、WUE、LUE、Gs、Cond、Tr 和较低的 Ls,Gs 是C

1、C2 光合日动态最 主要的影响因子. 关键词:灰枣;



水分利用效率 中图分类号:S718.43 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-923X(2017)03-0032-07 Study well type irrigation under different diameter grade prostagland gray jujube the difference of photosynthetic characteristics SUN Mingsen1 , LI Hong2 , CHENG Ping2 , ZHANG Zhigang1 , DIAO Kai1 , MIAO Qianqian1 , LI Changcheng1 , HAN Yingying3 (1. Forestry and Horticulture College, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, Xinjiang, China;

2. Xinjiang Academy of Forestry Sciences ,Urumqi 830000, Xinjiang, China;

3. Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830054, Xinjiang, China) Abstract: Under well type irrigation, to do research on photosynthetic characteristics differences of Aksu adult ziziphus jujube with different diameters in the diurnal changes, for finding out the most suitable diameter class of adult ziziphus jujube under well type irrigation. The ground diameter of

12 ±0.5 cm is denoted as C1, the diameter of

18 ±0.5 cm is denoted as C2. To detect photosynthetic indexes with LI6400XT photosynthetic apparatus in a fine weather with no cloud and no wind. Physiological indexes of photosynthesis that need to be detected include: net photosynthetic rates(Pn), stomatal conductances(Gs), intercellular CO2 concentrations(Ci) and transpiration rates(Tr). (1)The respective daily changes in the net photosynthetic rates(Pn), stomatal conductances(Gs), and transpiration rates(Tr) of C1 and C2 present in double-peak curves. The daily changes of indexes above stop during 12:00―15:00. (2)When the WUE of C1 and C2 is non-significantly showed, The difference between Pn and Tr indexes of C1 and those of C2 are quite significant. Pn and Tr indexes of C2 are 1.78 μmol/(m2 ・s) and 0.69 mmol/(m2 ・s) bigger than those of C1 respectively. (3)Under well type irrigation, Gs is the main internal and external environmental factor on Pn rate of C1 and C2. Well irrigation under are in bimodal curve the C1 and C2, C2 had higher WUE, LUE, Pn, Gs, Cond, Tr and lower Ls, and Gs was the most important factor for C1 and C2. Keywords: Ziziphus jujube;
