编辑: 怪只怪这光太美 2013-04-26

s wife, but yeah, I'

m very very orderly, very organised. I mean I'

m single, I'

m not married. I can'

t imagine being married to somebody who'

s really messy and untidy. I'

m not quite sure how I'

d cope. Oliver: Claire 说她自己是一个非常非常整洁的人. Helen: She likes order and she'

s very organised. Oliver: 有条理 organised. Helen: And she can'

t imagine being married to somebody who'

s very messy and untidy. Oliver: 她不敢想像 can'

t imagine 和一个邋里邋遢的人生活在一起会怎么样. Helen: Well Oliver, are you like Claire or Paul? Oliver: What do you think? Helen: I'

d say you'

re perhaps more like Claire. Oliver: What makes you think I'

m an organised and tidy person? Helen: Well, because you'

re good at time management, you'

re never late for work and you send in the scripts on time. Now, that'

s a sign of being organised. Oliver: I'

ll take that as a compliment. Thank you very much. Helen: You'

re welcome. I, however, on the other hand, am very untidy and disorganised. Oliver: I can see that from your office desk, Helen. 给大家透露一个小秘密, Helen 的办公桌上总是放满了各种各样文件啊、纸张啊、还有零食什么的,想 找到一点儿空的地方都很难. Helen: Paul and Claire agree on one thing - tidiness depends on the person, not on their gender. Oliver: 让我们先来听听 Paul 的看法,他不认为女性就一定是爱整洁而男性天生就邋 遢. Insert I'

m not sure it'

s a male and female thing, because my sister Caroline C if she'

s listening C makes me look like a neat Nick, she'

s so untidy, sorry. And my wife'

s brother is even tidier than her and I remember I was talking to someone C I wonder if he'

s listening C who said about him, it was a babysitter, she said to me Is she house proud like the brother? and I said Yeah and she said Oh, he'

s so house proud C unusual in a man. Oliver: Paul 的姐姐在这方面连他都不如,但是 Paul 的大舅子却又比他妻子还爱干 净. Helen: And here'

s Claire. Insert I mean I agree with Paul, I don'

t think it'

s that women are tidier, cleaner, and men aren'

t. I just think everybody'

s different. And if you happen to be in a very mismatched relationship, then obviously there'

s trouble. And also there'

s a generational thing, I think my generation C I'

m in my early thirties - I think we'

re very very different to people in their forties, fifties C I'

m sure we have to be. Oliver: 就像 Claire 说的,男女双方如果在个性方面差异很大,或者在家务活这个问 题上面持不同态度的话,那他们之间就很容易产生分歧. Helen: I agree with Claire. She also mentioned that the younger generation have different approach and attitude towards housework than older people. Oliver: That'

s true. 两代人在这个问题上面绝对有代沟 Generation gap.比如说我 父母和我对生活就有完全不同的看法. Helen: Let'

s go back to the research briefly. For women who have been overloaded with housework, what can they do to get their partners to do more in t........
