编辑: 怪只怪这光太美 2013-04-26
BBC Learning English About this script Please note that this is not a word for word transcript of the programme as broadcast.

In the recording and editing process, changes may have been made which may not be reflected here. 关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件.本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改 变. Housework 家务 Helen: Oliver, in your family who does more in looking after your house? Oliver: Helen, why are you suddenly interested in my family? Helen: Well, that'

s what our programme is about today. The politics of housework. Oliver: Housework 家务活, politics 政治.合起来就是家务政治.我敢肯定听众朋 友们一定会对今天的话题感兴趣. Helen: Hoovering, dish-washing, cleaning, so much to do and so little time. Oliver: 家务活有时候可不轻松. Helen: In the Victorian times, there were servants to help with house chores. Oliver: 家务杂事, chores. 当然富有的家庭可以雇请佣人来帮他们打理家务. Helen: But ever since the 1950s, it seems it'

s all down to the housewife to take on the housework. Oliver: 从上个世纪

50 年代开始,也就是第二次世界大战之后,普通人家已经不能够 负担雇请佣人的费用,所有的家务活就自然而然的落在了家庭主妇的肩上. Helen: And men'

s attitude towards housework might not be what we are used to today. Oliver: 那个时候的男性又是如何看待做家务的呢? Insert Well, I'

ll watch the youngsters, but I'

m not washing no dishes. (Why not?) Well, I don'

t think it'

s my job. I work hard through the day, why should I work hard when I get home? (Have you ever been asked to wash dishes?) I'

ve been asked, but I'

m not washing them. (What do you tell her?) I tell her to C (Would you like to finish that?) I just tell her to go to hell. Helen: So, this husband is definitely no help when it comes to housework. Oliver: 绝对是大男子主义. Helen: He sounds just like a male chauvinistic pig. Oliver: 听的出来,Helen 你对他的态度是非常有看法的. Male chauvinism 就是大 男子主义,可是刚才 Helen 在后面在加上一个 pig, 意思就更厉害了,大男子 主义沙猪. Helen: He doesn'

t think washing the dishes or mopping the floor is his job. And when he'

s been asked to do them, he tells his wife to go to hell. Oliver: 去死吧,见鬼去吧, to go to hell. 这么难听的话可不是丈夫应该对妻子说 的. Helen: That'

s disgraceful. Insert Well, I'

ll watch the youngsters, but I'

m not washing no dishes. (Why not?) Well, I don'

t think it'

s my job. I work hard through the day, why should I work hard when I get home? (Have you ever been asked to wash dishes?) I'

ve been asked, but I'

m not washing them. (What do you tell her?) I tell her to C (Would you like to finish that?) I just tell her to go to hell. Oliver: 不过从

50 年代开始,整个社会风气有了一个很大的改变. Helen: We'

re now familiar with the concept of equal opportunity. Oliver: 机会均等, equal opportunity. 在这里就是男女平等的意思. Helen: However, according to a recent public survey in the UK, working mothers put in twice as much effort into housework as their partners do. Oliver: Is that true? 在英国,工作女性承担的家务活是他们丈夫所做的两倍! Helen: So, does it mean that when it comes to housework, male and female are not of equal status, or is it because women are just too fussy about what needs to be done in the house? Oliver: 挑剔 fussy, 我还真没有想过这个方面.还真不知道在干家务活方面,女性做 的更多是不是因为她们比男性更挑剔呢? Helen: We'
