编辑: 牛牛小龙人 2013-04-22

641 27 November

2018 No.

42060 Cape Town Kaapstad No.

1303 27 November

2018 It is hereby notified that the President has assented to the following Act, which is hereby published for general informa- tion:― No.

1303 27 November

2018 Act No.

9 of 2018: National Minimum Wage Act,

2018 Zwi khou ?ivhadziwa henefha uri mupresi- dende o tendelana na uyu mulayo une wa khou andadziwa hu u itela n?ivhadzo kha tshitshavha:― Nom

9 ya 2018: Mulayo wa Muholo wa Fhasisa wa Lushaka,


9 7

7 1

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3 ISSN 1682-5843

42060 2?? No.



2018 Act No.

9 of

2018 National Minimum Wage Act,

2018 ACT To provide for a national minimum wage;

to establish the National Minimum Wage Commission;

to provide for the composition and functions of the National Minimum Wage Commission;

to provide for the review and annual adjustment of the national minimum wage;

to provide for exemption from paying the national minimum wage;

and to provide for matters connected therewith. PREAMBLE RECOGNISING that the Republic of South Africa is one of the most unequal societies in the world and that there are huge disparities in income in the national labour market;

NOTING the need to eradicate poverty and inequality;

ACKNOWLEDGING the need to promote fair and effective competition in the labour market and labour market stability;

NOTING the constitutional obligation on the State and employers to promote and ful?l the right to fair labour practices, BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, as follows:― ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS Sections CHAPTER

1 INTERPRETATION, PURPOSE AND APPLICATION 1. De?nitions 2. Purpose of Act 3. Application of Act CHAPTER

2 NATIONAL MINIMUM WAGE 4. National minimum wage 5. Calculation of wage

5 10 (English text signed by the President) (Assented to

23 November 2018) GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,


2018 No. 42060??

3 Mulayo wa Muholo wa Fhasisa wa Lushaka,

2018 Nom

9 ya

2018 MULAYO U ita mbetshelo nga ha muholo wa fhasisa wa lushaka;

u ita uri hu vhe na Khomishini ya Muholo wa Fhasisa wa Lushaka;

u ita mbetshelo nga ha mishumo na kuvhumbelwe kwa Khomishini ya Muholo wa Fhasisa wa Lushaka;

u ita mbetshelo malugana na u gonyisa muholo wa fhasisa wa lushaka na u ita ? tholo n Bwaha nga n Bwaha zwi tshi kwama muholo wa fhasisa wa lushaka;

u ita mbetshelo nga ha u tendelwa uri mutholi a sa vhofhiwe nga mulayotibe wa muholo wa fhasisa wa lushaka;

na u ita mbetshelo kha zwo teaho. MVULATSWINGA HU TSHI KHOU VHONWA uri Riphabu ? lki ya Afrika Tshipembe ndi in Bwe ya zwitshavha zwine hu khou shaea u lingana ha vhathu kha ? lifhasi nahone hu na u sa lingana ho kalulaho ho sedzwa muholo kha maraga wa zwa mishumo kha lushaka;

HU TSHI DZHIELWA NT ? HA ? thod ? ea ya u fhelisa vhushai na u sa lingana ha vhathu;

HU TSHI KHOU T ? ANGANEDZWA ? thod ? ea ya u alusa mu ? ta ? tisano u pfadzaho nahone wavhud ? i kha maraga wa zwa mishumo na vhudziki kha maraga wa yone mishumo;

HU TSHI DZHIELWA NT ? HA u kombetshedzwa ha Muvhuso na vhatholi nga ndayotewa zwi tshi d ? a kha mafhungo a u ? tu ? tuwedza na u tevhedza pfanelo kha zwa maitele a pfadzaho mishumoni, UKHWAT ? HISWE nga Phalamennde ya Riphabu ? liki ya Afrika Tshipembe, nga nd ? ila i tevhelaho:― NZUDZANYO DZA KHETHEKANYO Khethekanyo NDIMA YA

1 T ? HALUTSHEDZO, NDIVHO NA ZWINE MULAYO WA KWAMA 1. T ? halutshedzo 2. Ndivho ya Mulayo 3. Zwine Mulayo wa kwama NDIMA YA
