编辑: lonven 2013-04-21

90 q. ―Rated Voltage ∶

0 6`1 kV(1 2kV)

3 LκM― FRHF LKsM― FRHF O 6/'

kV 二念:∶ 〗 l:::丨°n∴〖£|:昙::d:r;

早. i∶ i丨:p[早:l∶ lant ρ ° wer and oontroI Cable tinned) annea|ed GOpper ― |nsulation ∶ F―XLPE F|re resistant mica tape layer under the p|astic insulat|on - ArmOur ∶ Braided armOur of p|ain 〈 optional tinnθ d) annea|ed Copper Wires (for Lκ sM―FRHF) - sheath ∶sHF1 Ha|ogen Free Thermop|ast|c

1 ;

∶!∶ 晷 r帚 :{[:ge ∶ 甘 3苷 冫19氵vl1 2kv)

4 LK∈ M-HF

0 6/1kV ―App|ication ∶Halogen free f|ame retardant genera| ρ oWer |ighting and sWitchboard Product Description and/orz廴pprovaI Condition Copper o|ass

5 COmlηunication cab|e ∶stranded plain (optiona| tinned) annea|ed GOpper Glas5

2 ∶ 黻%驴擂号 叮甯 am ω 吐沁m}um⑾ opp∝ 讪ms ∶sHF1 Ha|ogen Free Therm0plastiC _ _ _ _ ― ConduCtOr ― lnsulatio l ― ArmOur ― Sheath ― Temperature MaX

90 q. ―Rated Vo|tage ∶ 150/250V(300V) AC-2B(20Il O6) <

To be Contin ed >

Appendix2 instrumentation GOntro| and nned) annea|ed Gopper G|ass

2 nal tinned) cOpper Wires stic lt armOUred(for Lκ sm_EMc) power inned) annealed copρ er Class

2 0r class

5 9: {|t|i∶ l|∶∶ : 6/| {}提il:ll∶∶ l:{l∶ ∶ ∶ ∶ :早i|∶∶ a!;

hn∶ l;

mgnⅠ::早ξ:a::. p. r∶ ° 〗 早:s〖 n: :?n:丨:∶ s° :b|e ape layer under : ∶ ∶ i∶:}帚:‖ [∶ ge ∶ 咎 3苷 冫1:丨 |哥 stiG sHF1 ∶ l:hes丨m:∶ ∶ ξ :18:w∶:p::【 G:l:∶:12Cab|e sHF1 ∶ ;

・ d stee| Wires sHF1 :l:^∶∶ i∶ ∶ ∶ I∶ ∶ 早:∶ I:∶ 甘:∶|y∶ 氵:∶ !g言:° :li∶ ss

5 ptiona| tinned) annealed COppcr w|res |ant 8rmoured Oontrol and instr1‖ η enta Li0n oab|e tinned) anlleaIed cOpper )ptiona| t inned) anne31ed C0pper Wlres <

To be continued >

Product Description aⅡd/or义廴 pprovaI Condition Cer'

inca(e No:s1Ⅱ20704-E1001 Date. r Issue:21st January,2013 Λ(∷ 2ll{2()|106〉 Appcndix3 Ce⒒iocate No:sIII20704-ELO01 Product Descript豆on and/or ApprovaI Condition Datc of Issuc:21st Jam aˉ ,2013 ^ ° 一一一一4~~一一一__一b__~一念:{Ⅰi∶ ∶ ∶ ∶ . n κ s!ˉ :∶ 丨 :社 〖 ∶ ∶ :艹:;

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ξ ・ t:早:s:a:le 女 9帚 :l早ti° n ∶ 甘:a{:ξ 悬彗丨斋:u:i∶ 早 :早 :|∶ t早:;

Ul:∶ :|t早早:ned) annea|ed cOpper wires (for 辶κsM― FRHF) Aluminiumpolyθ ster (for Lκ AM― FRHF) sheath ΣThermoplastic sHF1 Temperature ∶MaX

90 ・

0 Rated Voltagθ ∶250 V RFA-HF RFA― HF(i)

250 V 念::ll:£ :}° n ∶ 1£ }:畀::dFr∶早占i:l早::t丨:::丨d:?ln::;

t∶ :|e:l譬dc:::;

∶ 丨c8i∶ :: lnsulation ∶HF XLPE Pair shie|ding∶ P|astic cOated a|um|nium tape and ground C0nductor (for sheath ∶Thermoplast|C sHF1 膏:!ξ 晷 r弓 :{:∶ ge ∶ 彗 s杏 v90 ・ C 念l∶ li∶∶ :∶ . nRFA∶ F::∶ ∶ 言言:l;

?景{∶ ∶ :?I营:∶ ;

:l首}a∶ lhn∶ l子 m县 nⅠ ξ :早::a::p;

:丨aG早:::u:ication cab|e 古 :氵 甘|:;

丨81ding∶ 甘Faζ :∶ : ∶ ∶ :1e〗 |:旱 u吾 丨Ⅰ早1J;

e∶ ∶ ::a:;

dm∶ ∶ :u;

:p:. nduct. r (for RFA-FRHF(|)) ― Sheath _ _ _ _ 一_'

~____一∶Thermop}a}|∶ ;

tiG sHFl ;

晷Ⅰ :∶ r寻:{[∶ ge ∶ 芈 s杏 v氵:5:'

v A∶ :氵T∶ [ti〗 〖 s_HF(!丨 {幸 :;

l∶ ∶ :早:h ∶ ∶ :T: retardant co||ective sCreened Control and Cond ctor ∶ stranded p|a|n (optiona| tinned) annealed cOpper Class

2 insulation ∶HF * LPE 擗铽 d山 叮卧 荔眈 %l留留£ |叭:甩:l咖涮gr.lm∞mtvtor σ ∝眠卅⑴ l of plain copper Wires shε ath { Hal° gen ThermoplastiG sHF1 Temperature Max
