编辑: lonven 2013-04-21
CeItincatc No Produc'

1VIanufacturer TYPE APPROVAL CERTIFICATE sIII20704-EL001 InitiaI``pproval:8th August,2007 l cctric Cablc Ilˉ lkama Bic,l shanghaO CO,Lld Plo11~2,NΙ inhang ExPort Pnjccssing zonc,No3111.

Huan C∶ llcng、 `cs1 Road,1∶ cngxian Disllict,Shangh缸,Chilla Ha|ogen free fire res|stant f|ame retardant poWer and GOntro| cab|e Product I>

escr:ption Approval ConditioⅡ ~ Typθ ∶ Lκ ser|es Halogen free fire resistant cab丨0―Type ∶RF series 〃 see Append|X l ~

3 〃 f|ame retardant Control and oommunication

1 2 Th|s approVa| is granted on the basis of the type approVa| certifiGate no CPH155582― ELO01 ~ ELO10 the LeChniCal specificatiOn &

the test reports |ndividual PrOduCt Certifioation is required TⅡ Is Is TO CERTI「Y tha11hc d)ovc-lilCntioncd p[od11c

11、 as bccn aρ p )vCd in acc. /lancc、vi1h tbc rc1cvant rcquirc【 ucnt of this Socicty'

s R11Ics aud/or ofthc rccognizcd standards as ltIΙ o、vs and cntcrcd in thc Ii丈ofApprovcd NΙ anufaoturcrs and Iypc J`ppr. vcd Equipmcnt F〉 t

6、 C∴ h 1,Scc 4ofthc RuIcs F r Classi历ca1ion、 stccl Ships and l⒈ ∶ C∶ Standurds Γ his Ccdiacatc is valid unu17th/xugus1

2017 【 ssucd a1shanghdi C)hina〈)n21st 陀1nuary

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`fr ^C2′ (2nlI O6) ∷ Ko∷kFANI8EGI§TER c〉 I氵SⅡ IPpINC ∫ 9c、 ″ ″ ″ `〃 / Cd``.1`(R(0 ∠ n` AppeⅡdIk1 ~ _ _ _ _ 一(∶ ertifIcate No:sliI20704-ELO01 ProduOt Descriρ tion , Lκ M-HF LKMM― HF O 6/1kV Aρ p|icat ion ∶ Ha|ogen free flame retard£ l;


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2 . r c|ass

5 ConduGtOr ∶stranded p|ain (opti. na|

1 lnsu|ation ∶HF―XLP匚sheath ∶sHF1 Ha|ogen Free ThermoplastiC Temperature MaX

90 R3 Rated Voltage ∶

0 6/1 kV(1 2kV)

2 LκsM― HF LκMsM-HF

0 6/1kV - App|ication ∶Halogen free f|ame retardant screened power and c0ntrO| oab丨e-Conductor ∶ str8nded plain (optional tinned) annealed copper c|ass

2 or G|ass

5 - lnsu|ation ∶ HF-* LPE ―Armour ― sheath ∶ Br8ided armour of ρ |ain (optiona丨tinned) annea}ed copper Wires ∶sHF1 Ha|og,en Free Thermop|astIc Date or Issue:21s1Janua,,

2013 w|r|ng cab|e ―ConduCtor ∶stranded p}ain (optional t|nned) annea|ed ― lnsulation ∶HF90 Ha|ogOn Free Flame Retatdant ―Temperature MaX

90 ・ C ―Ratθ d Vo|tagθ ∶

0 6/1 kV(1 2kV) Lκ s猢一HF 250V 念::ll:£ :}° n ∶ 甘:}:舁悬:dFr;

早:i∶ l早:;

t干:ls丨 d早 nt sGreened pOwer and cOntro| Cab|e inned) annealed coρ per class

2 ↓ nsu|ation ∶XLPE ha|ogen free ArmOur ∶ Bra|ded armour of plain (optional tinnε d) annea|ed cOpper wires An uniso|ated drain wire of size>

0 5Ⅲ 碲|aid in Gontact W|th the braid sheath ∶ sHF1 Ha丨ogen Free ThermOρ lastic ― Temperature MaX

90 ・ C - Rated Voltage ∶ 150/250V(300V)

6 RFE―HF RFE― HF(i) 250V - Apρ |iGation ∶Ha|Ogen frθ e f|ame retard3nt instrumentatiOn GOntro| and ― Temperature MaX
