编辑: 会说话的鱼 2013-04-10

Settlement 慈惠 慈惠月报 The Philanthropy Monthly 零八年五月份 MAY

2008 网址 Website: www.thevoice.org.hk 电器赠长者-05/08 EAECMay

2008 每月服务数字 Monthly Service Statistics * 其他包括冷气机一部、抽湿机一部 * Others included one air-conditional, one consumer 新个案来源 Origin of New Cases 圣雅各福群会 St. James , Settlement

15 社会福利署 Social Welfare Department

27 非政府机构 Non-government Organization

93 其他 Other

0 个案总数 Total

135 个案数目统计 Cases Statistics 5月份新个案 New cases in May

135 4月份尚未完成的个案 Cases carrying-over from April

25 5月份共需处理个案 Total cases to be handled in May

160 5月份完结之个案 Cases settled in May

141 带往6月份之个案 Cases carrying-over to June

19 电器送赠纪录 Record of electrical appliances handled out 电风扇 Electric fan

27 电饭煲 Rice cooker

26 收音机/录音机 Radio/Recorder

7 电视机 Television set

38 雪柜 Refrigerator

40 电水/电水煲 Electric water boiler/pot

15 热水炉 Water heater

29 洗衣机 Washing machine

16 电话 Telephone

5 暖炉/暖风机 Warmer

15 电磁炉 Induction cooker

9 其他* Other*

2 总数 Total

226 完结之个案情况 Status of cases settled 综援个案 CSSA cases

124 非综援个案 Non-CSSA cases

17 已完结之个案 Cases settled

141 我们需要你的捐助 We Need Your Donation 对一些无依贫困老人来说,因居所需要重建而 要迁往新址,他们除要必须交付新址、水电煤费的按 金、新屋简单的装修费,以及支付搬迁费外,更要张 罗金钱购置电热水炉,俾可於洗澡时有一暖水浴,免 因此著凉而冷病. 对面临重建於短期内需迁往新址的苏屋及 牛头角下的无助老人而言,要他们再筹措至少 $1,800的批发价购置电一台高压热水炉(连安装),确 是难上加难的事实. 郾净嶙ㄊ峦菩械摹傅缙髟ふ摺棺柿舷 示,现时此「慈惠服务」除每年恒常性地预计约有 312名贫老需要电热水炉,以改善家居生活质素外, 经初步查核后,上述受重建影响的两个屋共有 450名长者,正烦恼欠缺金钱购置热水炉. 「现在样样都罟,根本综援金都唔够用,怎 可以用近两仟圆购置一台电热水炉,发梦都不敢想 啦!」一名体弱多病的独居长者说. 「上屋搬下屋,唔见一箩谷!样样都系钱,当 搬到新屋后,真是财绝力竭,我怎可有余钱安装电热 水炉呢?」另一名面临搬迁的婆婆愁眉苦脸地说. 负责此「慈惠服务」计划的本会社工表示,所 有个案乃全透过各区福利机构社工的转介,目的是 避免独居贫老因携带热水往浴室时生意外,以及洗 澡时著凉而冷病,我们正呼吁社会人 士可以集腋成裘方式,作出 捐助,为本年度预计的 762名长者购置电热水 炉;

善长可用支票,抬头请书:圣雅各福群会,支票背面请指定捐 予「购买电热水炉」, 连同捐款者之姓名及地 址,寄香港湾仔石水渠 街85号一字楼105室收. 施善查询:2835-4321或8107-8324. Relocation into a new home is by no means an easy task for some poverty-stricken and nobody to depend upon elderly. Besides making water, power and gas deposits for the new location and setting aside some money for basic interior decoration and for removal they have to find the means for installation of a new electric water heater to minimize the chance of catching cold while taking a bath. A number of elderly due for relocation from So Uk and Ngau Tau Kok Estates as a result of estates redevelopment are facing the need to spend some HK$ 1,800 (being bulk purchase price and inclusive of installation) for a high pressure, electric water heater, a hard fact simply beyond their means. DatafromourEAE(ElectricalAppliancefortheElderly)Program reveals a regular annual requirement of
