编辑: 会说话的鱼 2013-04-10
Moving house is a tremendously difficult undertaking for a poor helpless elderly person.

It also creates a financial crisis for him. Our Electrical Appliances for the Elderly Program is also faced with a financial crisis. Needy elderly persons who are moving house must pay rent, deposits for water, electricity and gas accounts, and moving costs. After that they are left with little money. Most of them are therefore referred to us by district welfare agencies to apply for the installation of water heaters so that they won'

t catch cold when taking a bath. The huge demand in this area poses an insurmountable challenge to us. Preliminary investigation shows that this year

450 elderly residentsoftheNgauTauKokandSoUkEstateswillbemovingfromtheir old homes into new units. That is on top of an average of

312 ordinary applications for water heaters which we receive from elderly persons each year. Altogether we need to collect enough donations to buy

762 high-pressure water heaters at wholesale price. The current price for a high-pressure water heater, including installation fee, is $1,800. That means we need to collect $1,371,600 this year C a tremendous sum! To meet the demand, we can only appeal to our donors for more help. Thedesignsofnewlybuiltpublichousingunitsallowtheinstallation of high-pressure water heaters only. One advantage is the resident will have hot water supply for his wash basin and kitchen sink as well as his shower. The new design is also based on safety consideration. It puts the water heater into the kitchen rather than the bathroom, so that the electrical connections are away from a usually humid environment. But this also puts a hardship on the needy elderly resident'

s pocket. He only gets a CSSA of less than $3,000 a month to live on. How can he come up with another $1,800? We have no other solution than to appeal to you for more help. Starting from this issue, we are enclosing a postage-free return envelope in The Philanthropy Monthly. We call to our kind donors to again lend a helping hand, and use this envelope to mail checks to us. We welcome any amount. Small sums pooled together can become a big sum that allows us to buy water heaters to meet the elderly people'

s urgent needs. Please indicate on the back of the check that your donation is for purchase of electric water heaters. For enquiry please telephone 2835-4321 or 8107-8324. Social Worker'

s Remark 社工的话 Huge Financial Crisis 莫大的经济危机 对贫乏无依老者来说,搬家不但是一桩极为艰巨的大 工程,还带来经济危机.我们的「慈惠服务」之一,「电器 赠长者」计划,如今也面临极大的经济危机.贫老要搬家, 於支付租金、水电煤气按金、搬迁费后所余无几,故多被社 区福利机构转介至本会,申请安装电热水炉,以防洗澡时泠 病.庞大的需求,教我们难以应付. 我们经初步查核后得知本年度共有450名牛头角及苏 屋的长者,将陆续迁离旧址,入住新居.加上每年平均有 312名一般长者申请安装电热水炉,我们今年要筹募足够的 善款向电器商以批发价购置762台高压电热水炉.若以现时 每台$1,800(连安装费)计,我们共需筹募善款$1,371,600, 款项之巨大,实在令人咋舌.要解决这项需求,我们只有呼 吁善长多伸援手. 房署新建的公共屋,其设计只供安装高压电热水 炉.好处是住户不但有热水洗澡,还有热水用来洗面,洗碗.房署的新设计,还有一个安全考虑,便是将热水炉装在 厨房而非浴室,令电力接驳远离经常潮湿的地方.但这也为 贫老住户造成莫大的经济困难.他们每月只有贰仟多元的 综援用作生活费,要再付$1,800购置电热水炉,如何办得到 呢? 我们亦曾研究以低压电热水炉代替高压热水炉,因 为前者每台只卖$990(丰泽牌).但发现需要另付$260的安 装费,还要花$1,000以上将低压改成高压,总共要付至少 $2,250,较$1,800要多出$450,岂非不弄巧反拙? 我们没有别的办法,只有呼吁善长们多加捐助. 我们从这期起,随月报寄上一个免邮资的回邮信封, 呼吁为善最乐、助人解困的你伸出援手,用这个信封将善 款支票惠掷本会,作出支持.大家捐赐多少不拘,我们希望 可以集腋成裘,为贫困长者购置高压电热水炉,解决他们的 急需.支票背面请指定捐予「购买电热水炉」.施善查询: 2835-4321或8107-8324. 圣雅各福群会 St. James'
