编辑: 645135144 2013-04-06

6 月龄-5 岁儿童、60 岁及以上老年人、慢性病患者、医务人 员、6 月龄以下婴儿的家庭成员和看护人员以及孕妇或准备在流感季 节怀孕的女性为优先接种对象.首次接种流感疫苗的

6 月龄-8 岁儿 童应接种两剂次,间隔≥4 周;

2017-2018 年度或以前接种过一剂或 以上流感疫苗的儿童,建议接种一剂.9 岁及以上儿童和成人仅需接 种1剂.建议各地在疫苗供应到位后尽快安排接种工作,最好在

10 月底前完成免疫接种;

对10 月底前未接种的对象,整个流行季节都 可以提供接种服务.孕妇在孕期的任一阶段均可接种流感疫苗. 本指南适用于从事流感防控相关的各级疾病预防控制机构工作 人员,预防接种点的接种人员,各级医疗机构儿科、内科、感染科等 医务人员, 以及各级妇幼保健机构的专业人员. 根据国内外研究进展, 本指南今后亦将定期更新、完善. 本指南正式版已由中国疾病预防控制中心下发文件 (中疾控传防 发[2018]

91 号)至各省、自治区、直辖市疾病预防控制中心,新疆 生产建设兵团疾病预防控制中心.

3 Technical Guidelines for Seasonal Influenza Vaccination in China (2018-2019) (Full Edition) Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention National Immunization Advisory Committee (NIAC) Technical Working Group (TWG), Influenza Vaccination TWG

4 Abstract Influenza virus infection is a respiratory infectious disease that can seriously affect human health. Influenza viruses can have frequent antigenic variation and changes, which can result in rapid and widespread transmission resulting in annual epidemics and outbreaks in places of public gathering such as schools, kindergartens and nursing homes. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that seasonal influenza epidemics have caused an annual

3 to

5 million severe cases, and

290000 to

650000 deaths globally. Pregnant women, young children, the elderly, and persons with chronic illnesses are at high risk for severe illness and death associated with influenza virus infection. Seasonal influenza vaccination is the most effective way to prevent influenza virus infection and complications from infection. Currently, China has licensed trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV3) and quadrivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV4), including split-virus influenza vaccine and subunit vaccine. Except for a few major cities, influenza vaccine is a category Ⅱ vaccine, which means influenza vaccination is voluntary, and recipients must pay for it. To strengthen the technical guidance for prevention and control of influenza and operational research on influenza vaccination in China, the National Immunization Advisory Committee (NIAC) Influenza Vaccine Technical Working Group (TWG), updated the

2014 technical guidelines and compiled the Technical guidelines for seasonal influenza vaccination in China (2018-2019) . The main updates in this version include: epidemiology, disease burden, types of influenza vaccines, northern hemisphere influenza vaccination composition for the 2018-2019 season, IIV3 and IIV4 immune response, durability of immunity, immunogenicity, vaccine efficacy, effectiveness, safety, cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit. The influenza vaccine TWG provided the recommendations for influenza vaccination for the 2018-2019 influenza season based on existing scientific evidence. The recommendations described in this report include the following: Points of Vaccination clinics (PoVs) should provide influenza vaccination to all persons aged
