编辑: bingyan8 2019-08-28

s monthly wage in an amount not exceeding 20% of the same. However, if, as a result of such deduction, the employee'

s wages would fall below the local minimum wage, then the employer must at least pay the employee the minimum wage according to the local standard. 《工资支付暂行规定》第十六条:因劳动者本人原因给用人单位造成 经济损失的,用人单位可按照劳动合同的约定要求其赔偿经济损失. 经济损失的赔偿,可从劳动者本人的工资中扣除.但每月扣除的部分 不得超过劳动者当月工资的20%.若扣除后的剩余工资部分低于当 地月最低工资标准,则按最低工资标准支付. Per rule of the Regulation for the Payment of Wages in Guangdong Province article 15: Employing unit suffering direct economic loss due to the fault of

4 BSCI COC BSCI 行为准则 Most relevant National or Province law (where stricter than related national law) 相关程度最高的国家与各省法律(比相关国家法律严格) labourer, the unit may deduct the compensation from the labourer'

s wage if the labourer should be charged with the compensation responsibility, but the reason of deduction and the amount should be with prior written notice. The deduction should not be deducted if there was no prior written notice. The balance of wage after deduction should not be lo........
