编辑: You—灰機 2019-08-28

84 The Pure Tao

4 「上际於天,下蟠於地」 be it to soar into the sky or wreathe around the earth beneath. 尤其「化育万物,不可为象」,这句重 点 It can make manifest all myriad objects, but cannot be identified with the phenomena created. This statement is the essence. 看老庄的书,就会觉得奇怪 You might find it odd when reading Laozi'

s and Zhuangzi'

s works. 所谓的自然,是什麽自然? What do they mean by Nature ? 山河大地自然 The natural world contains mountains, rivers, landscapes and so on…. 自然和道有何关系? What relation does this sort of nature have with the Tao ? 大自然的外在自然 The natural world refers to the external nature. 回归你本体,自己燃起 Turn your attention inward to your Ben-ti. Your self-nature would spontaneously ignite. 所以你精神四通八达出来之后,化育万 物After your spirit can flow forth and attain pervasion, it can also make manifest all myriad objects. 即是实相可以变化万物的自然 Thus their so-called Nature designates the True-Form that can manifest all myriad objects. 化育嘛,「不可为象」,找不到形迹 It gives forms and makes manifest, but cannot be identified with the phenomena created. It is traceless. 如此就是实相.〈刻意篇〉有这麽记载 Such is True-Form. Thus the chapter Ingrained Ideas says, 「不可为象」找不到形迹 It cannot be identified with the phenomena created. It is formless, traceless. 实相找不到形迹,只有你知道 Vol.

84 The Pure Tao

5 True-Form has no form and leaves no traces. You just know It yourself. 所以你精神出来以后 So after your spirit flows forth, 可以化育杯子、咖啡…… it can make manifest myriad objects, namely, cups, coffee…. 「化育万物」的意思就是如此 Such is the meaning of It can make manifest all myriad objects. 若是说外在自然,可以找到象啊 The external natural world, nonetheless, has traceable forms. 找到山河大地,形象,可以找得到 Mountains, rivers, landscapes, and various other physical forms can all be located. 「不可为象」 It cannot be identified with the phenomena created. 你的本体既然展现出来,同帝境界,同帝Now that your Ben-ti has revealed externally, its power is equal to that of God, 同上帝一样的境界 as mighty as God. 所以你不能忽视你里面的本心功能 So you should never ignore the power of your Original Mind within. 就是《华严经》一心生万法 As The Flower Ornament Sutra puts it, one single mind can produce myriad Dharma manifestations. 本心的功能起作用,回归於你肉身 When your Original Mind awakens to act and applies its function back to your physical body, 回归於肉身,称为永恒的幸福 such is called everlasting blessing. 而你求的是永恒哪 What you are seeking is everlastingness. 你学道或是宗教,也是要求永恒哪 Vol.

84 The Pure Tao

6 Your studying the Tao or joining religion is also for questing everlastingness. 不然学道要干嘛? If not, what'

s the use of studying the Tao? 否则你回顾一下 Consider this. 从三皇五帝,尧舜禹汤文武周公 Since antiquity, from the three sovereigns and the five emperors, 从古代的三皇五帝 namely Emperors Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, Wu and the Duke of Zhou, 一直到现在民国 all the way to the present republic country, 去世的总统、国王、皇帝 for all those deceased presidents, kings and emperors, 耶,就是缺少一个永恒 they had all but no everlastingness. 从三皇五帝 From the three sovereigns and the five emperors, 三皇就是燧人氏、伏羲氏、神农氏 the three sovereigns being Sui-ren, Fu-xi, Shen-nong, 五帝就是黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、尧、舜and the five emperors being the Yellow Emperor, Zhuanxu, Ku, Yao, and Shun, 一直到禹出现 all the way to Yu, 夏商周之后就起来了 who established the Xia Dynasty, followed by the Dynasties of Shang and Zhou. 尧舜禹汤文武周公之后开始了 Then came the Spring ........
