编辑: 阿拉蕾 2019-07-16
2014年9月"每月一题"竞赛试题 Translate the following text into English.

(50%) 千年莞邑?魅力新城 东莞位于中国广东省中南部、珠江三角洲东北部,全市陆地面积2465平方公里,北距广州50公里,南离深圳90公里,水路至香港47海里,至澳门48海里,处于穗深港经济走廊中间,是广州与香港之间水陆交通的必经之地. 她是一座文化新城.从狮子舞、麒麟舞、粤剧曲艺、客家山歌等有深厚群众基础的传统民间艺术精粹,到东莞展览馆、东莞玉兰大剧院、东莞图书馆、群众艺术馆、科学技术博物馆、东莞青少年文化宫、科技馆等现代文化设施,东莞正成为一个文化上百花齐放、精彩纷呈的文化新城. 她是一座生态绿城.东莞具有滨海、沿江、依山的自然景观优势,整个城市宛如一座绿岛,全城遍植绿树草坪,街道雨旁的木棉花、紫荆花等竞相怒放;


街心花园里四季鲜花不凋,满目葱茏……东莞正成为一座最适宜居住的生态绿城, 被评为"国际花园城市"、国家环保模范城市"和"中国十佳绿色城市". 她是一座制造业名城.东莞经济以平均每年18%的增长率蓬勃发展,是中国综合经济实力30强城市之一,外贸总量连续七年名列全国大中城市第三,居全国地级市之首,成为中国经济发展最快的地区之一,是国际性重要的制造业基地和现代制造业名城. 2014年9月"每月一题"优秀译文 A New Charming City with Long History―Dongguan 一等奖 陈泳12翻译3 Dongguan is located in the northeast of the Pearl River Delta as well as in the south-central Guangdongprovince of China. The land area of the city is

2465 square kilometers. Dongguan, which is 50km away from south of Guangzhou,90km south of Shenzhen, 47nm to Hong Kong, and 48nm to Macao by waterway, is the middle of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong economic corridor so the water and land transportation of Guangzhou and Hong Kong must pass through this city. Dongguan is called the charming city for three attractions. Firstly, Dongguan is a Cultural-rich New city. On the one hand, the city has traditional folk arts such as Lion Dance, Kirin Dance, Cantonese Opera and Hakka Folk Songs. All of these are mass-based and the quintessence of traditional folk arts, On the other hand, the city have built up a great number modern cultural infrastructure such as Dongguan Exhibition Center, Dongguan Yulan Theatre, Dongguan Library, Public Cultural Art Center, Science and Technology Museum and Dongguan Youth and Children's Center. In a word, Dongguan's culture is flourished and splendid and it's becoming a cultural-rich city gradually. Secondly, Dongguan is aEcologicalGreenCity. It has the superiority of natural landscapes by closing the coasts and rivers and mountains. The whole city just likes a green island where green trees and lawns are everywhere and kapok and bauhinia flowers blooms freely. The

16 Forest Park in the city are full of tall ancient trees, singing birds and sweet-scented flowers. And the flowers and tress are flourished and verdant in CentralTownPark. What's more, Dongguan has been named International Garden City, NationalEnvironmentalProtectionModelCity and one of the ten best Green Cities of China. In short, Dongguan is turning to aEcologicalGreenCity that fixes people to live comfortably. Last but not least, Dongguan is also called ManufacturingCity. Its annual increasing rate has reached 18% averagely and promoted vigorous development of the economy. In these circumstances, Dongguan has not only become one of the
