编辑: You—灰機 2013-05-06

Thoroughly analyzes the drawbacks of current taxi management system, explains that the government regulation of taxi distorts the market rule, causes a large supply of illegal taxis;

analyses the rationality about illegal operation holds market share when passenger choose the way of going out through using the expected utility function and decision game theory from survey data;

however it'

s too difficult to combat illegal operation. Thus, it is deduced that the root of causing illegal operation lies in short supply of transportation and taxi. Furthermore, the reason for causing this root is that the government develops transportation inadequately and regulates taxis strictly. On the base of analyzing the reason and using the experience of Hong Kong, this paper puts forward the basic way to govern illegal operations: firstly, government ought to plan traffic reasonably, increase financial investment, optimize bus network, incorporate illegal taxis to develope small bus, so that the public transportation will be given priority. Secondly, government ought to relax regulation of taxis comprehensively, including relaxing market access, deregulating quantity control, relaxing price control, let taxis come back to the market furthest, so that the illegal operations problem can be dissolved. For how to combat illegal operation work, how to improve the masses of safety consciousness etc, also is the measure to govern illegal operation. But this paper regard it is not the base of the problem, not be explored. Key words:Illegal Operation Public Transportation Taxi Government Regulation 目录摘要IAbstract II

1 绪论11.1 问题提出

1 1.2 研究意义

1 1.3 文献综述

2 1.4 研究预期目标、研究方法、可行性和创新性

6 2 非法营运的现状及危害性

8 2.1 非法营运车辆的数量

8 2.2 非法营运车辆的经营区域

8 2.3 非法营运车辆的运营特点

9 2.4 非法营运的社会危害性

9 3 非法营运产生的原因分析

11 3.1 非法营运产生的市场供需分析

11 3.2 非法营运产生的必然性分析

12 3.3 非法营运车与出租车的成本对比分析

13 3.5 政府打击非法营运陷入困境

15 4 旅客交通出行选择的博弈分析

18 4.1 旅客交通出行的成本构成

18 4.2 旅客交通出行的意向调查

18 4.3 调查数据分析

21 4.4 调查结论

24 5 出租车的政府管制弊端

25 5.1 出租车经营模式

25 5.2 数量管制的弊端

25 5.3 价格管制的弊端

27 5.4 经营模式的弊端

28 5.5 角色定位的错误

28 6 香港治理非法营运的经验

30 6.1 公共交通发达,人们没必要坐非法营运车

30 6.2 出租车进入自由市场,防止垄断

32 6.3 香港法律对非法营运的处罚规定严厉

33 6.4 香港执法严格:查处非法营运由警方负责

33 7 治理非法营运的对策

34 7.1 优先发展公共交通

34 7.2 放松出租车的政府管制

36 结束语

42 注释43 致谢45 参考文献

46 1 绪论1.1 问题提出 随着改革开放的不断深入和市场经济体制的不断完善,东莞市的经济社会得到迅速发展,城市化进程明显加快,人民生活水平不断提高.作为衣食住行之一,交通出行是人们最基本需求的一部分.出租汽车,以其灵活方便、快捷舒适的服务,日益受到出行者的青睐,成为人们出行尤其是应急出行的重要交通工具.而与之相对立的,就是非法营运车辆,也称 黑出租车 (简称 黑车 ). 近年来,非法营运现象屡禁不止,带来了一系列的社会问题,严重扰乱了运输市场的正常秩序,严重侵害了合法经营者的正当权益,极大侵害了人民群众的生命财产安全.一些 黑车 违规占道、乱停乱放等现象屡见不鲜,个别地方的黑车从业人员结成带有黑社会性质的小团体,严重威胁社会治安和正常的公共交通秩序.非法营运现象己成为东莞市城市交通的一大顽疾,严重影响了城市形象. 2004年,国家提出了优先发展公共交通的战略,来解决交通拥堵问题和遏制非法营运现象;
