编辑: 夸张的诗人 2019-09-20
香港船务统计 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics

2013 ?1月至

3 月January to March

2013 香港特别?政区 政府统计处 Census and Statistics Department Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港船务统计 Hong Kong Shipping Statistics

2013 ?1月至

3 月January to March

2013 有关本刊物的查询,请?络: 政府统计处 船只及货运统计组 地址:香港湾仔港湾道

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gov.hk Enquiries about this publication can be directed to : Shipping and Cargo Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department Address : 22/F Wanchai Tower,

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2802 1192 E-mail : shipping@censtatd.gov.hk 政府统计处网站 Website of the Census and Statistics Department www.censtatd.gov.hk

2013 ?6月出版Published in June

2013 本刊物只备有下载版 This publication is available in download version only 香港船务统计 2013?1月至3月Hong Kong Shipping Statistics January to March

2013 香港特别?政区 政府统计处 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region i 目?Contents 页? Page 概况 General Observations v 注释 Explanatory Notes ix 用语及分? Terms and Classifications xv

图表 Graphs 1. 抵港船次 1. Vessel arrivals

3 2. 抵港船只的总容? 2. Total capacity of incoming vessels

3 3. 港口货物吞吐? 3. Port cargo throughput

4 4. 载货货柜吞吐? 4. Laden container throughput

4 5. 卸下港口货物 5. Port cargo discharged

5 6. 装上港口货物 6. Port cargo loaded

5 7. 卸下载货货柜 7. Laden containers discharged

6 8. 装上载货货柜 8. Laden containers loaded

6 9. 按运输方式划分的卸下港口货物 9. Port cargo discharged by mode of transport

7 10. 按运输方式划分的装上港口货物 10. Port cargo loaded by mode of transport

7 11. 按运输方式划分的卸下载货货柜 11. Laden containers discharged by mode of transport

8 12. 按运输方式划分的装上载货货柜 12. Laden containers loaded by mode of transport

8 13. 港口货物中主要装卸国家/地区以重?计所占的比重 13. Share of port cargo in terms of tonnage by major country/territory of loading/discharge

9 14. 载货货柜中主要装卸国家/地区以标准货柜单位计所占的比重 14. Share of laden container in terms of TEU by major country/territory of loading/discharge

9 15. 按主要装货国家/地区划分的卸下港口货物以重?计所占的比重 15. Share of port cargo discharged in terms of tonnage by major country/territory of loading

10 16. 按主要卸货国家/地区划分的装上港口货物以重?计所占的比重 16. Share of port cargo loaded in terms of tonnage by major country/territory of discharge

11 香港船务统计 2013?1月至3月Hong Kong Shipping Statistics January to March

2013 香港特别?政区 政府统计处 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ii 目? Contents 页? Page 17. 按主要装货国家/地区划分的卸下载货货柜以标准货柜单位计所 占的比重 17. Share of laden containers discharged in terms of TEU by major country/territory of loading

12 18. 按主要卸货国家/地区划分的装上载货货柜以标准货柜 单位计所 占的比重 18. Share of laden containers loaded in terms of TEU by major country/territory of discharge

13 19. 按主要装载货品划分的港口货物吞吐?以重?计所占的 比重 19. Share of port cargo throughput in terms of tonnage by principal commodity

14 统计表 Statistical Tables

1 时间??

1 Time series 1.1 抵港船次 1.1 Vessel arrivals

17 1.2 港口货物吞吐? 1.2 Port cargo throughput

18 1.3 海运货物吞吐? 1.3 Seaborne cargo throughput

19 1.4 河运货物吞吐? 1.4 River cargo throughput

20 1.5 货柜吞吐? 1.5 Container throughput

21 1.6 载货货柜吞吐? 1.6 Laden container throughput

22 1.7 海运载货货柜吞吐? 1.7 Seaborne laden container throughput

23 1.8 河运载货货柜吞吐? 1.8 River laden container throughput

24 1.9 港口货物吞吐?的变动情况 1.9 Movement of port cargo throughput

25 1.10 载货货柜吞吐?的变动情况 1.10 Movement of laden container throughput

26 1.11 按选定装货国家/地区划分的水运进口货物 1.11 Waterborne imports of cargo by selected countries/territories of loading

27 1.12 按选定装货国家/地区划分的水运抵港转运货物 1.12 Waterborne inward transhipment of cargo by selected countries/territories of loading

28 1.13 按选定卸货国家/地区划分的水运出口货物 1.13 Waterborne exports of cargo by selected countries/territories of discharge

29 香港船务统计 2013?1月至3月Hong Kong Shipping Statistics January to March

2013 香港特别?政区 政府统计处 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region iii 目? Contents 页? Page 1.14 按选定卸货国家/地区划分的水运?港转运货物 1.14 Waterborne outward transhipment of cargo by selected countries/territories of discharge

30 1.15 按选定装货国家/地区划分的水运卸下载货货柜 1.15 Waterborne laden containers discharged by selected countries/territories of loading

31 1.16 按选定卸货国家/地区划分的水运装上载货货柜 1.16 Waterborne laden containers loaded by selected countries/territories of discharge

32 2 船只统计

2 Vessel statistics 2.1 按船舶?型划分的抵港船次 2.1 Vessel arrivals by ship type

35 2.2 按船旗划分的抵港船次 2.2 Vessel arrivals by flag

36 3 货运统计

3 Cargo statistics 3.1 按主要装货国家/地区及港口划分的卸下港口货物 3.1 Port cargo discharged by major country/territory and port of loading

39 3.2 按主要卸货国家/地区及港口划分的装上港口货物 3.2 Port cargo loaded by major country/territory and port of discharge

41 3.3 按主要货品及运输方式划分的卸下港口货物 3.3 Port cargo discharged by principal commodity and mode of transport

43 3.4 按主要货品及运输方式划分的装上港口货物 3.4 Port cargo loaded by principal commodity and mode of transport

45 3.5 按货物种?、主要货品及运输方式划分的卸下港口货物 3.5 Port cargo discharged by cargo type, principal commodity and mode of transport

47 3.6 按货物种?、主要货品及运输方式划分的装上港口货物 3.6 Port cargo loaded by cargo type, principal commodity and mode of transport

48 3.7 按货物装卸地点及运输方式划分的港口货物吞吐? 3.7 Port cargo throughput by cargo handling location and mode of transport

49 3.8 按主要装货/卸货国家/地区划分而与中国内地有关的水运转运 货物 3.8 Waterborne cargo for transhipment related to the mainland of China by major country/territory of loading/discharge

50 香港船务统计 2013?1月至3月Hong Kong Shipping Statistics January to March

2013 香港特别?政区 政府统计处 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region iv 目? Contents 页? Page

4 货柜统计

4 Container statistics 4.1 按主要装货国家/地区及港口划分的卸下载货货柜 4.1 Laden containers discharged by major country/territory and port of loading

53 4.2 按主要卸货国家/地区及港口划分的装上载货货柜 4.2 Laden containers loaded by major country/territory and port of discharge

55 4.3 按主要装载货品及运输方式划分的卸下载货货柜 4.3 Laden containers discharged by principal commodity carried and mode of transport

57 4.4 按主要装载货品及运输方式划分的装上载货货柜 4.4 Laden containers loaded by principal commodity carried and mode of transport

59 4.5 按货物装卸地点及运输方式划分的载货货柜吞吐? 4.5 Laden container throughput by cargo handling location and mode of transport

61 4.6 按主要装货/卸货国家/地区划分而与中国内地有关的水运转运 载货货柜 4.6 Waterborne laden containers for transhipment related to the mainland of China by major country/territory of loading/discharge

62 5 补充统计表

5 Supplementary tables 5.1 按运输方式划分的货物吞吐? 5.1 Cargo throughput by mode of transport

65 5.2 世界货柜港口的排? 5.2 Ranking of container ports of the world

66 5.3 香港、上海、新加坡及深圳的货柜吞吐?比较 5.3 Comparison of container throughput for Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore and Shenzhen

67 附? Annexes 获取政府统计处刊物的方法 Means of Obtaining Publications of the Census and Statistics Department 邮购表格 Mail Order Form 香港船务统计 2013?1月至3月Hong Kong Shipping Statistics January to March

2013 香港特别?政区 政府统计处 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region v 概况General Observations

2013 ?第

1 季的港口货物吞吐?较上?同期下跌 3%,为6250 万公吨.当中,抵港及?港港口货物分别下跌 1%及6%,为3560 万公吨及

2 690 万公吨. In the first quarter of 2013, total port cargo throughput decreased by 3% compared with a year earli........
