编辑: 麒麟兔爷 2019-07-16

31 December, 2018, the Group held 29.52% share in Lanlanlanlan Film &

Television Media (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. (蓝蓝蓝蓝影视传媒 (天津) 有限公司, Lanlanlanlan Film &

Television ) in aggregate through capital increase, share acquisition and performance compensation. Lanlanlanlan Film &

Television is an associate of the Company. It mainly engages in the business of script writing, script selling, script adaptation, production of web series, TV series, cinema movies, web movies and related businesses. It hired over

100 screenwriters and is currently one of the largest domestic screenwriter team. The large screenwriter teams enable Lanlanlanlan Film &

Television to substantially shorten the script production cycle in an efficient and effective manner and has the experience and ability to mass-produce web dramas. C

3 C GAME BUSINESS In February 2018, the Group acquired 51% equity interest of independent game research and development companies, Shanghai Mu77 Network Technology Co., Ltd. (上海木七七网络 科技有限公司, MU77SH ) and Mu77 Network Technology Hongkong Limited (香港木 七七网络科技有限公司, MU77HK ) (collectively Mu77 ). Mu77 is mainly engaged in the research, development and operation of independent games. It won the honor of Alibaba Game Eco Top Ten Creative Manufacturers in 2018. Mu77'

s self-developed product Card Monster ( 「卡片怪兽」 ) continued to operate jointly with Tencent Aurora platform in mainland China, and maintained at the top

30 on the Best-selling List of WeChat games. In overseas regions, this product was continuously recommended by iOS and Google Play. The game'

s annual revenue maintained a steady ........
