编辑: 阿拉蕾 2019-09-18
本尊道第五十二集――真如法身 页1/145 真如法身The Dharma Body from the Original Consciousness 主讲:宋 七力Lecture given by Chi-li Sung 英文翻译: 陈信尧 English translation by Hsin-yao Chen 来、来Ok!Ok! 面熟、面熟 You look so familiar 吴董,吴董 Mr.

Wu, Mr. Wu. 你…我认识 I remember you… 陈董你也来了! You are here, too, Mr. Chen! 我在讲理论 Although I am talking about the theories, 我是借用理论 I am taking advantage of those theories to help everyone understand, 借用佛教的也好、哲学的也好,种种理论 I cite Buddhism, Philosophy and many kinds of theories 就是要来印证真如本体、印证六项 to prove the Original Consciousness and the Inner Six Senses. 透过语言,然后来了解自己 With language, we can understand ourselves. 哲学本身就是这样,反省、反观自己嘛 Philosophy is all about introspection and thinking about ourselves. 哲学不是要让人信仰,哲学是要让你追究 Philosophy is not to make people worship, but to help us deeply investigate things. 为什麽这样、为什麽这样? Why this? Why that? 释迦佛刚开始观宇宙、观人生 At beginning, the Buddha attempted to observe the Universe and lives. 观到最后还是要找到你的真如本体 Eventually, he realized that people must find their Original Consciousness. 本体是斯宾诺塞的语言 本尊道第五十二集――真如法身 页2/145 The Original Consciousness (noumenon) is a term said by Spinoza, 是孔子、老子的语言 and also expounded by Confucius and Lao-Zi (Chinese philosophers). 本体,宇宙的本体 Noumenon (The Original Consciousness) is the origination of the Universe 人生的本体 and also the origination of our lives. 我们的真如本体,认真讲是回归於如来藏 In Buddhism, our Original Consciousness is the so-called tathāgatagarbha (Dharma-hidden), 如来藏著 Which means our Original Consciousness is completely hidden. 针对心中有这个如来呀! All the Buddhist topics indicated this Original Consciousness in our mind. 你若没有如来,就没有法身哪! If the Original Consciousness is not found, you cannot achieve the Dharma Body. 《不增不减经》讲Neither Increasing nor Decreasing Sutra states 法身就是如来藏、就是众生界 Dharma Body is tathāgatagarbha and also this mortal world. 众生有如来、有法身 All living beings have the Original Consciousness and Dharma Body, 但是不知道呀,就将k… but nobody knows that. 烦恼覆盖,『我怎麽会有?』 How could I have it but I never knew it? 疑惑把你给盖住了啊! Because life'

s daily vexations and burdens have covered it for a long time. 你的烦恼、你没有认知 Not only your vexations, but also the lack of understanding 所以盖住了 covers your mind. 释迦佛为你开示出来 However, the Buddha Shakyamuni explained the Original Consciousness for us. 释迦佛的思想从哪来的? Where did the Buddha Shakyamuni'

s thoughts come from? 从《奥义书》?《古奥义书》? Was it from Upanishad , Old Upanishad , 《梵书》?《吠陀经》? Brahmana or Vedas ? 佛教的三十三天、三界观念 The concepts of Trayastrimsa heaven and three realms introduced in Buddhism 是从《梵书》来的 were derived from the Brahmana. 本尊道第五十二集――真如法身 页3/145 「阿特曼」在《梵书》的末期就有了 Actually, the term Atman has appeared in the end of the Brahmana epoch (1000-500 B.C.), 就是讲你的如来在里面 which indicated that one'

s divinity is inside the mind. 到释迦佛才成熟 These thoughts matured when the Buddha Shakyamuni advocated them. 将梵天回归於你的自性 The concept of Brahma should be guided to one'

s inner Divinity. 重点呢! This is important! 至今自性永恒不变,称为真理 The inner Divinity is immutable, called Reality. 刚开始古希腊的哲学家 At beginning, the ancient Greek philosophers 或是吠陀时代的思索家 or the Thinkers in Vedas period… 他们讲思索家,也是属於哲学家 Thinkers were what they called to philosophers, 都在释迦佛出世之前 all before the Buddha Shakyamuni. 他们崇拜的就是 What these philosophers worshiped was 天神、天体、日月星辰 Indian Gods, celestial bodies and the stars. 若是天就是日月星辰 The sky includes the Sun, the moon and stars. 空就是风雨雷电,都是神呢! The air includes Wind, Rain, Lightning and Thunder. All of those were considered as Gods;

中国也如此 Same thing happened in Chinese. 整体的哲学系统和宗教就是如此 Generally, the entire philosophic system and religions have similar beliefs. 地呢,任由你取名 People can also deify the earth. 土地公也可以,地母、天公… Tu Di Gong (土地公) is a God that dominates the earth in Chinese religion. 那些神是人想出来的! All the Gods are created by people! 神是你认为的啊! You think there is God, so there is. This doesn'

t mean the God really exists. 好啊,雷公,现在来看 OK, let'

s thing about the God of Thunder. 那是气候引起,形成雷电 本尊道第五十二集――真如法身 页4/145 The formation of thunder and lightning is because of the climates, not Gods. 在吠陀时代,雷公因陀罗 In the Vedas period (Before

1500 B.C.), the God of Thunder C Indra. 就是现在的玉皇大帝 Indra somehow became the Jade Emperor, the ruler of the heaven in Taoist mythology, 演变到台湾变成玉皇大帝 so most Taiwanese worship this Jade Emperor now. 还有天公庙哩! As a result, people build temples for the Jade Emperor. 六合路后面有一间天公庙 One of the Jade Emperor Temple is in Southern Taiwan. 所以神是人想出来的 Therefore, the God is a product from people'

s thoughts. 不然你怎麽知道有神? Otherwise, how can we know there was God. 以「因陀罗」来说 For example, let'

s look at Indra. 佛教称为「释提桓因」 He had another name in Buddhist sutra, called Sakna Devanam 《维摩诘经》有、法华经也有… Sakna Devanam was also stated in the Vimalakirti-Nirdesa sutra and the Lotus sutra. 大乘替释迦佛护法,都有「释提桓因」 In Mahayana, Sakna Devanam was the guardian of the Buddha, 尤其《维摩诘经》后面 Especially in the end of the Vimalakirti-Nirdesa sutra, 也与「释提桓因」对话 the Buddha Shakyamuni has a conversation with Sakna Devanam. 「释提桓因」原来名为「因陀罗」 Sakna Devanam was originally named Indra, 是雷电神 who is the God of Thunder. 吠陀时代看到雷电,将它当成神 People saw lightning and thunder and take these phenomena as Gods. 喔~很崇拜天体的神!太阳也是神 People worshiped celestial Gods! Therefore, the Sun was God too. 像苏利耶是《吠陀经》的太阳神 For example, Surya was the God of Sun stated in the Vedas, 古印度的太阳神 the God of Sun in ancient India. 至於希腊的太阳神是阿波罗 In ancient Greek, the God of Sun in was Apollo. 都将天体当成神 The celestial bodies were considered as Gods. 本尊道第五十二集――真如法身 页5/145 你怎麽知道太阳神? How could you know the Sun is God? 你怎麽知道雷电是神? How could you know the thunder and lightning could be God? 那是人认为啊!因为古代人的知识不够 That was ancient people'

s understanding, because people then didn'

t have enough knowledge. 就认为那是神哪 Thus, they took those celestial bodies as Gods. 现在信仰自由 Today, we are free to have our own religion, 你不能说他不对啊! We cannot criticize others'

beliefs. 十八王公那只狗也是神呢! There is a temple built for commemorating a dog in Taiwan. 人争相的拜呢! The believers worship that dog, making the dog a God. 林小姐曾去过吧? Have you been there, Miss Lin? 我曾去!我曾去! I have. 我去过啦…没拜 I visited that temple only. 所以神是人认为啊! So, God was definitely coming from people'

s thoughts. 苏格拉底以前的时代,尤其希腊人的思想 Before Socrates, especially the Greek'

s thoughts, 哲学家的神不是宗教的神 philosophers'

Gods are not those Gods of current religions. 「永恒不变」谓之「神」 Immutable was called God. 像哲学家第一位的泰利斯说永恒不变 The first philosopher, Thales, declared that there is immutability. 水就是永恒不变啊 Say, the water is immutable. 地球、世界不是神创造的 He thought the Earth and the world were not created by the God;

是水,源头是水 Water is the initial element of the Universe. 你说水,我说火 so, some might say the earliest element was Fire. 你说火,我说空气 Consequently, Air could also be thought as the earliest element of the Universe. 地水火风就出来了,原子就出来了 本尊道第五十二集――真如法身 页6/145 Therefore, the four elements came out, which inspired people to discover Atom. . 哲学家出来了,哲学家就是如此形成 People who tried to find a proper way to explain the Universe became philosophers. 苏格拉底以前 Prior to Socrates, 哲学家要找源头 Philosophers attempted to find out the origination. 开始从自然界找诸神的来源 They started their search for the sources of the Gods in nature, 找宇宙的来源、找世界的来源 the source of the Universe and the source of this world. 寻找来源还是经过人的观念、六根 Finding the source of the Universe must rely on people'

s six senses, 才找得到 and comply with people thoughts. 没有经过六根,要 爬到 天上看啊? Without our six senses, we cannot perceive anything. 太阳神那位,太阳是神吗?如何证明为神? Is the Sun a God? How do we prove it? 『如何证明』就要推理、印证 Philosophers wanted to prove it, so they stated to reason. 产生逻辑学、产生哲学 Eventually, Logic and Philosophy were developed. 到底太阳是不是神? So, Is the Sun a God? 那是农民收割、收获… It is because farmers have to grow, reap and harvest crops. 稻米或是树木的成长 Sun shine is essential for growing up crops. 都认为是k的功劳,所以把k当作神 Farmer thought the Sun made an enormous contribution;

this Sun must be God. 还是你认为! They thought so! 有神! Sun equals God!? 还是在「认为」 After all, it depends on thought. 古代,以老子来说 In ancient Chinese, on........
