编辑: 南门路口 2019-07-15
Taiwan Journal of Anthropology Call for Papers The Taiwan Journal of Anthropology (TJA) is an international academic journal devoted primarily to sociocultural anthropology, although we welcome submissions from any discipline or subdisciplines involving empirical sociocultural research.

TJA is a bilingual journal that publishes Chinese and English articles addressing theoretical, empirical and ethnographic issues in all sub-fields of modern anthropology. The goal of TJA is to become a major anthropology journal that bridges developments in contemporary international anthropology between Taiwan and the external world. This journal follows the venerable tradition of its predecessor, the Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology, to publish peer-reviewed research articles, review articles, comments and responses, and book reviews. TJA invites anthropologists and scholars in other disciplines who wish to engage in dialogue with anthropologists to submit their work for publication. More broadly, we seek your general support, through submissions, subscriptions, and comments. All submissions and editorial correspondence should be addressed to: The Editors Taiwan Journal of Anthropology Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica Nankang, Taipei, TAIWAN

11529 E-mail: tja@gate.sinica.eud.tw URL: http://www.ioe.sinica.edu.tw/ 《台湾人类学刊》 徵稿启事 《台湾人类学刊》为中央研究院民族学研究所发行的双语(中、英文) 半年刊,每年六月及十二月出版.这是一份结合台湾、全球华文人类学界、 以及国际人类学者共同参与编辑的人类学学术期刊.其主要诉求对象是全 球华文人类学社群,并藉此与国际人类学界联系与接轨. 本刊之学术旨趣是广义的人类学,但亦接受刊登与人类学相关的其他 学科的研究论文、文献评论、书评、评论与回应.本刊希望能为研究者提 供专业的学术服务,俾能在此发表重要的研究观点与成果,并提高华文人 类学界在海内外的能见度.此外本刊也期望做为国际学术团体的沟通管 道,联系与整合台湾以及整个华文人类学界,并与国际人类学界对话,提 N整体的研究水准. 本刊诚挚邀请所有的人类学者,以及欲与人类学对话之其他学科的专 家、学者,透过本刊发表其学术成果.此外,更冀望广大的读者以投稿和 订阅的方式,给与本刊支持和批评指教.来稿中、英文不拘,欢迎上网 http://www.ioe.sinica.edu.tw/ 点选「出版品」→「台湾人类学刊」 )下载撰稿 体例.来稿及查询相关事宜请迳洽民族学研究所编辑室: 台湾人类学刊 中央研究院民族学研究所?编辑室

11529 台北市南港区研究院路二段

128 号E-mail: tja@gate.sinica.edu.tw URL: http://www.ioe.sinica.edu.tw/ Information for Authors Categories of submission 1. Research Article: Original and previously unpublished research results;

the main text should not exceed 12,000 words. 2. Review Article: Critical discussion of scholarship on specific topics;

the main text should not exceed 6,000 words. 3. Book Review: Introduction to and critique of recently published books;

the principle of language for Chinese books, the review article should be in English with 1,000 to 1,500 words in its main text. For English books, the review should be in Chinese with 1,000 to 1,500 words in its main text. 4. Comment and Response: Discussion of work previously published in TJA, as well as the author'

s response. The main text should not exceed 1,500 words. Manuscript submission Submit an electronic file directly to TJA (Microsoft Word 6.0 or later versions;
