编辑: 颜大大i2 2019-07-12
文章编号:1000 C

7393 (2018)

03 C 0369C

06 DOI:10.

13639/j.odpt.2018.03.016 低成本致密油层水平井重复压裂新方法 ――以吐哈油田马

56 区块为例 隋阳 刘德基 刘建伟 蒋明 刘建辉 张宁县 吐哈油田公司工程技术研究院 引用格式:隋阳, 刘德基, 刘建伟, 蒋明, 刘建辉, 张宁县 . 低成本致密油层水平井重复压裂新方法――以吐哈油田马

56 区 块为例[J]. 石油钻采工艺, 2018,

40 (3) :369-374. 摘要:吐哈油田马

56 区块致密油层水平井体积压裂后高产期短、 一次采收率低, 必须通过重复压裂提高产量, 但常规重复 压裂难以实现低油价下的水平井增产需求.为探索水平井低成本重复压裂新方法, 通过分析区块前期生产特征, 从提高采收率 与体积压裂结合的方向出发, 开展了岩心润湿、 长岩心驱替、 数值模拟以及注水现场试验等

4 项基础试验, 验证大排量注水结合 体积压裂工艺有助于恢复水平井产量, 最终形成压前大排量注水蓄能(注入量为

2 倍采出量) , 再以高于初次压裂的排量进行全 程滑溜水 + 小粒径支撑剂重复压裂, 最后闷井 5~15 d 的重复压裂新方法.现场压裂试验取得成功,

6 井次压后平均日产油 18.1 t/d, 恢复到首次压裂产量 77.4%;


140 万元 / 井次.该方法将笼统注水与重复压裂相结合, 为致密油层水 平井重复压裂探索出一条新途径. 关键词:致密油层;




吐哈油田 中图分类号:TE357.1 文献标识码:B A new low-cost refracturing method of horizontal well suitable for tight oil reservoirs: A case study on Ma

56 Block in Tuha Oilfield SUIYang, LIU Deji, LIU Jianwei, JIANG Ming, LIU Jianhui, ZHANG Ningxian Engineering Technology Research Institute, Tuha Oil?eld, Shanshan 838202, Xinjiang, China Citation: SUI Yang, LIU Deji, LIU Jianwei, JIANG Ming, LIU Jianhui, ZHANG Ningxian. A new low-cost refracturing method of horizontal well suitable for tight oil reservoirs: A case study on Ma

56 Block in Tuha Oilfield[J]. Oil Drilling &

production Tech- nology, 2018, 40(3): 369-374. Abstract: When stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) of horizontal well is used in the tight oil reservoirs of Ma

56 Block in Tuha Oilfield, the high-yield period is short and the primary recovery factor is low, so it is necessary to increase the production rate by means of refracturing. However, the conventional fracturing can hardly satisfy the horizontal well stimulation requirement at low oil price. There- fore, a new low-cost refracturing method of horizontal well was explored. Firstly, the previous production characteristics of Ma

56 Block were analyzed. Then, in order to combine EOR with SRV,

4 basic tests were conducted, i.e., core wettability test, long core test, numer- ical simulation and field water injection test. It is verified that the combination of high-rate water injection and SRV is beneficial to the production recovery of horizontal wells. Finally, a new refracturing method was developed. In this method, water is injected before SRV 基金项目:中国石油天然气股份有限公司油气田开发重大科技项目 新疆油田和吐哈油田勘探开发关键技术研究与应用 课题

14 试油 及储层改造关键技术研究 (编号:2012E-34-14) . 第一作者:隋阳(1984-) ,

2008 年毕业于四川大学材料成型及控制工程专业, 现从事压裂工艺与技术研究工作.通讯地址: (838202) 新疆 吐鲁番鄯善县火车站镇吐哈油田工程技术研究院.E-mail:suiyang1@petrochina.com.cn
