编辑: 颜大大i2 2019-07-10

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10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7

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12 12.1 12.2 12.3 目录 General Question 面试题 OOP concept Java Core 面试题 Java Thread 面试题 Java Thread 详解 data Structure 面试题 Java Collections 面试题 Garbage Collection 面试题 Operating System 面试题 Exception Handling 面试题 Brain Teasers 面试题 Database 面试题 Second Highest Salary Employees Earning More Than Their Managers Duplicate Emails Combine Two Tables Customers Who Never Order Consecutive Numbers Rising Temperature OO Design 电梯设计 例子 停车场设计 Design a Chees Game 链接 Design a Restaurant System System Design 面试题 What happens when you type in a URL in browser? URL shorten Design Find the top ten of visited urls Java基础知识

2 12.4 12.5 12.7 12.6

13 13.1

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18 19 Design a system to return an unique ID for each request Remove duplicates and merge files Design data structure for large social network'

s connection between two people Build a stock web service Design Pattern 面试题 Command Pattern 详解 Spring 面试题 Spring 详解 Hibernate 面试题 Hibernate 详解 Maven 详解 Android 详解 Python 面试题 Django配置 Java基础知识

3 JSON VS. XML JSON is smaller, faster, simpler syntax and easier parsing. XML is stricter and has support for schemas ans namespaces. schema support: the ability for party A to specify the format of a document, and the ability for party B to check that they are supplying something that matches this format. the ability to mix data intended to be read by multiple sources (or written by multiple sources) in the same document. What is the difference between laas, paas and saas? 谁能举个通俗易懂的例子告诉我IAAS,SAAS,PAAS的区别? What'

s the difference between a compiled and interpreted language? What'

s the difference between a compiled and interpreted language? In HTML forms, what'

s the difference between using the GET method versus POST? If a GET request is used, the form parameters are encoded in the URL in what is called a query string. The form parameters can be anything, and in the example we gave earlier they would be the username and password for your email provider. Here'

s an example of the query string that would be generated if we were to use a GET request: www.someemailprovider.com/?login=joe@email.com&

password=xxyz In the GET request above, you can see that the form parameters (login and password) are attached to the end of the URL itself. Note that defining a login form to use the GET request method C as we did in this example C is a very bad idea. This is because people logging in will see their passwords being displayed in the url and may be led to think that your site is not secure. One should almost always use a POST form whenever passwords are involved, for other reasons that are explained below. A POST request, unlike a GET request, passes the form parameters in the body of the HTTP request, not in the URL. This happens behind the scenes, in what can be thought of as an HTTP '


between your web browser and a webserver. The main thing to keep in mind as a programmer is that defining your form to use the GET method does not protect against causing changes. You could use a GET request to do pretty much the same thing as a POST query. It'

s just that browsers are generally coded to expect that POST requests will be used for things that will cause changes C like placing an order, or writing to a database, etc . GET requests should be used for Java基础知识
