编辑: gracecats 2019-07-10

s see who is stronger. I can force the man to take off his clothes very soon. Can you? Then, the sun is scorching hard the man who is instantly all of a sweat and has to take off his clothes. Leisurely and proudly replies the wind: That'

s nothing great! I'

m stronger than you. I can make the man put on all his clothes again. The wind is then blowing harder and harder. In a few minutes, it has got so cold that the man has to put on his clothes. When the man gets home, he talks to himself: What a strange climate today! The sun and the wind are both 中正法律英语翻译网收集整理:http://translation168.lingdi.net strong indeed. (改写,译文略) 这个童话小故事, 笔者上小学时就读过. 它用拟人方式通过无生命的太阳和风的对话教 人以深刻的哲理:每个人都有自己的长处,轻视别人,老子天下第一的思想是错误的. 现实生活中运用人物化的例子比比皆是,特别是儿童读物,电视卡通片等,如用人的语 言给根本不会说话的动物配音.日本电影《狐狸的故事》 ,美国电影《米老鼠与唐老鸭》等等,不胜枚举.

第二节 夸张为了表达一种强烈的思想感情, 有意夸大或缩小事物, 使语句所表达的事物比实际的更 高大或更渺小,语气更强烈,焦点更加集中.这样做可以渲染气氛,启发联想,突出事物本 质特征,表达出鲜明的感情色彩,给人以深刻的印象.请看以下例子: a. Jennifer stopped eating. Except for a few apples and an occasional green salad, she ate nothing for

9 days. Her weight melted away like ice on a hot summer'

s day. She lost

10 pounds in

9 days. In just

5 weeks, she trimmed from

145 to

126 pounds. --South China Morning Post, Apr.21,

1992 p.II 詹妮弗停止进食,除了吃一些苹果和偶尔一盘青菜色拉而外,她连续

9 天没有吃饭. 结果,她的体重急剧下降,就像夏天的冰快融化那样.她9天之内体重减轻了

10 磅,

5 周之内体重便从

145 磅猛烈下降到

126 磅. b. They'

re not much bigger than shoe boxes, but the tiny studio apartments Shojikanazawa once peddled were the biggest thing going in Japan'

s overheated real estate market of the 1990s. --Business Week, Dec. 2,

1991 p.48 曾经被金泽彰二兜售过的小型公寓,比鞋盒子大不了多少,可在

80 年代却成了过........
