编辑: hyszqmzc 2019-07-09
International Barcode C an Essential Tool for Global Trade 国际条码C全球贸易的重要工具 Each day, over

5 billion scanning transactions take place around the world.

Every swipe and beep is supported by a barcode scanning system which provides an accurate and e?cient means to automatic data capture that allows you to process, transmit and track details of products along the supply chain. 世界各地每日透过扫描处理的交易超过50亿宗.当附有条码的货品经过条码扫瞄 系统,便能自动将数寥,并载入电脑资料库内.该系统提供准确而有效的方 法,为您处理及传送交易资料,同时随时追查仓存状况.

1 Hong Kong Barcode

489 C An Easy Access to Global Trade By using GS1 Standards, you can: .develop major retail markets in Hong Kong and the globe .track inventory conveniently .speed up ordering process .monitor sales .collect sales data e?ortlessly to help lay down marketing strategies .facilitate data exchange with business partners .open the door to a world of e-commerce bene?ts and unlimited global marketing possibilities 透过利用GS1标准,您可以: .开拓香港及全球的主要零售市场 .快捷地追查存货记录 .加快订货程序 .监察销售情况 .轻易地收集销售数,有助订定市场策略 .更快捷地与商业夥伴交换贸易数柿 .开启电子商贸的门槛,助您开拓全球市场 无限商机 What is an International Barcode? 国际条码知多少? An international standard barcode comprises two components: 一个国际标准条码包括两部份: GS1 Company Pre?x GS1公司字首 Item Reference 产品参考编号 Check Digit 终检码 2. Code 码Unique GS1 identi?cation number (also known as product identity card number) 独一无二的GS1国际货品编码 (又称为货品的身份证号码) 1. Bar 条Vertical bars and spaces of varying widths which represent digits 代表数字的直线条及空白位 香港条码

489 开展商贸通全球

2 International GS1 System C the Global Language of Business GS1 System has been swiftly adopted by key industries, including fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), toys and household wares as the single standard for product identi?cation. Today, major supermarkets and retailers require suppliers to ensure products are registered for an e?ective GS1 EAN/UPC barcode before putting on sale. GS1 System enables implementation of electronic trading. Worldwide biggest online shopping platforms such as Amazon, eBay and Tmall.com have begun to request dealers to provide e?ective GS1 EAN/UPC barcodes for their products. The introduction of Online-to-O?ine (O2O), an alternative of interactive consumption, provides consumers an integrated and complete shopping experience through physical shops, online shops and mobile devices. As e-commerce is all the rage at the moment, using the GS1 System enables your business to be part of this current boom. GS1国际编码标准 - 全球贸易的共通语言 GS1国际编码标准已成为全球所有快速消费者产 品(FMCG)、玩具及家庭用品不可或缺的产品 标示方式,现时香港及全球的主要超市及零售商 均要求供应商必需为货品编上有效的GS1 EAN/UPC条码,方能安排上架发售. GS1国际编码标准有助推行电子商贸,全球的大 型网上销售平台如Amazon、eBay及天猫 (Tmall.com) 等,也开始要求卖家提供有效的 GS1 EAN/UPC条码,以确保在网上出售的产 品能连结准确及完整的产品资讯.同时,开创线 上线下(O2O)互动消费模式,从实体商店、线上 甚至智能装置,给消费者更统
