编辑: 无理的喜欢 2019-07-08

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3 二零零九年夏 秋Summer Autumn

2009 (接下页 To be continued) 本期通讯 In This Issue 碳审计:环保校园 善待地球 Carbon Audit: Towards a Lighter Tread on the Environment 校园发展计划六大规划原则 Six Pillars of the Campus Master Plan 要闻快讯 Newsbreak 校园发展计划六大规划原则 Six Pillars of the CMP 经过逾四十场的持份者交流活动,广 纳各方意见而制定的校园发展计划 已获大学校董会支持.

为达到平衡保育和 发展的愿景, 校园发展计划确立了六大规划 原则 , 并获大学成员广泛支持. The Campus Master Plan (CMP), now officially endorsed by the University Council, has drawn up a comprehensive framework for campus development, based on feedback received from over

40 stakeholders engagement activities. Propping up this framework are six guiding precepts which give practical interpretation to the CMP vision of a sustainable campus enjoying balance between development and conservation. These precepts have received the widespread support of University members. 规划教学及研究设施 校园发展计划建议以分区发展的概念来组织教 学、研究、行政和文娱活动,以善用资源及方 便往还,例如教学活动将集中於中央校园及大 学站一带,研究枢纽则移至稍远的区域.此外,也会加强教学区域间的往还联系. 提升书院文化 通过增设文娱及学习设施, 凝聚成社交中心,继而发展 为独特的书院邻里区.行人 网络亦将改善. Planning Places for Education and Research The campus to be zoned into spaces for teaching, research, administration and recreation, to enable better use of resources and convenience of access. For example, teaching facilities to cluster around Central Campus and University Station, and research activities to take place in slightly more remote locations. Connection between academic facilities to be strengthened. Enhancing College Life Distinct college neighbourhoods to be formed through the provision of new recreational and learning facilities for common use, among other things. Pedestrian connections to be enhanced. 倡导健步文化 校园发展计划的其中一项规划重点,是不但方 便大家步行往来校园,也让步行更有乐趣.发 展计划建议奉行步行优先的原则,辅以单车 径,以减少车辆往来和对校巴的依赖.为此, 将开辟新步行路线和增设快速升降机,以扩展 行人网络及联系,并提升步行安全.另外,发 展计划亦提出於校园增辟单车径. Promoting a Pedestrian Friendly Campus A key aim of the CMP is to make the campus convenient and enjoyable to walk through. By prioritizing walking, with some cycling, it is hoped that driving and dependence on shuttle buses will be reduced. The CMP recommends extending the pedestrian network by installing new routes and express lifts, improving existing pedestrian links for safety and security, and constructing a cycling track on campus. 保存具价值的地标 校园发展计划列出了校园具代表性、建筑 设计独特或具历史价值的建筑和地点,让 大学枰员S,并提出选定和保存这 些饶富价值的地标的方法. Conserving Places of Value The CMP has compiled a list of structures and places on campus which contribute to the University'

s image and identity, or which have special architectural or historical value, and therefore should be conserved. It also recommends formulating a methodology for identifying places with conservation value. 优化校园景色 除致力保育校园的鸟兽、水源及植 物外,更会加强绿化工作,如在眺 海或靠近茂密林木之处开辟露天广 场、绿化天台、增建有盖庭院连接 建筑物和小径,以及采用不同的主 题园艺. Creating a Landscape of Vital Importance Besides conserving the campus'
