编辑: ok2015 2019-07-07
会展业商业英语 Business English for MICE (会展策划与管理高级/专业文凭课程,简介见第二面) 课程简介 Course Introduction 本课程为会展策划与管理专业文凭四个主修科之一.

The main focus is to provide the students with clear guidelines, together with ample exercises, on the writing of emails in view that emailing has become the most popular choice of written business correspondence nowadays. Essential English terms and expressions related to trade fair, exhibition and convention are also covered. 鉴於电子邮件是当今最普遍便捷之商业往来媒介手段,课程将重点讲授英文电邮写作之标准要诀,并辅以充分实习.课程 亦讲授会展策划所需知之相关英文用语.此外,视乎学员水平与进度,可按学员要求讲授商业英语其他课题,例如撰写报 告,建议书. 教学目标 Objectives Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to: ? know the format, style and netiquette of emailing;

? follow the proper steps of collecting information, drafting, writing, reviewing and proofreading when writing emails;

? aim to achieve writing clear, correct, complete, concise and courteous emails;

and understand and use essential terms in English related to the trade. 完成课程之后,学员将会: ? 知晓英文电邮书写之格式,文体及礼仪;

? 书写电邮时能依适当i骤,按序搜集资料、撰写初稿,修辑定稿,审核校对;

? 按目标力求书写清晰、正确、完备,简洁而得体之电邮;

及理解并能运用与会展业务相关之英语. 课程大纲 Course Outlines good elements of email and proper steps for writing email 书写英文电邮之适当i骤与要素 dos-and-don'ts of email writing 书写英文电邮之要诀与避忌 corporate culture, good practice and netiquette 公司文化,良好守则与礼仪 common errors found in emails 英文电邮中常见之错误 terms and expressions related to fair, exhibition and convention 会展业务相关之英语 教学对象 Target Audience For business people or anyone who is interested in this course. 从事商务或对本课程有兴趣之人士 导师 Instructor Instructor with relevant professional qualifications and experience. 具相关专业资历及经验之导师 授课语言 Medium of Instruction Cantonese & English 广东话及英语 上课地点 Venue 澳门新口岸宋玉生广场 335-341 号获多利中心

11 楼Alameda Dr. Carlos D'Assump??o 335-341, Hotline Centre, 11/F, Macau 上课日期 Course Date & Time 课程费用 Tuition Fee MOP3,900 收生名额 Class Size

20 人Class A:

2017 Feb

18 ~ March

18 周六 Sat 10:00-13:00 14:30-17:30 课程编号 Course code: S161000130 总课时

30 小时 Total

30 hours 持续教育学院 School of Continuing Studies * 报名注意事项 * 1. 首次报读本院短期课程者,请先登入网上报名系统(

网址:https://coes-stud.scs.must.edu.mo/oasc/PersonalInfo.do)或扫 瞄以下的 QR Code,选择 类别,预先登记个人资料(不需上传身份证),填妥资料后,带备身份证正、 副本及相片

1 张至本院办理报名. 2. 报读者可以现金/本票或划线支票(抬头请写"澳门科技大学持续教育学院"或"SCHOOL OF CONTINUING STUDIES MACAU UNIV. OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY")缴付学费及材料费,现金收费上限为澳门币/港币 5,000 元. 3. 所有费用一经缴交,恕不退还(本院取消开办该课程除外)或转让. 4. 如课程报名人数不足,本院保留课程取消或延期的权利. 查询

