编辑: 元素吧里的召唤 2019-07-07
基本信息 姓名 赵晓丽 性别 女 职称 副研究员 学历 博士 电话 0755-86585233 电子邮件 zhao.

xl@siat.ac.cn 通讯地址 深圳市南山区西丽大学城学苑大道

1068 号 简介 硕士生导师,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院副研究员,深圳市孔雀海外高 层次 C 类人才, 深圳市海外高层次孔雀创新团队核心成员, 深圳海洋生物医用材 料重点实验室的副主任, 国际矫形与创伤外科学会中国部骨科基础学会第一届委 员会委员. 于香港大学整形与创伤外科博士毕业,美国约翰霍普金斯大学访问学 者.在Acta Biomater,J Bone Miner Res, Soft Mater 等杂志上发表 SCI 检索文章近

20 篇, 已申请

9 项发明专利,授权

4 项,在国际和国内会议上做报告

20 余次. 承担和参与国家自然科学基金项目、广东省科学基金、深圳创新委项目等国家和 省市级科研项目

10 余项. 研究方向 研究领域为骨科生物材料, 干细胞生物学和信号调控等,主要针对骨与关节 损伤和老年退行性疾病的治疗,涉及智能材料、基因药物载体、细胞支架、高强 度水凝胶和骨水泥等生物医用材料, 同时涉及这些材料对干细胞成骨分化和分裂 的影响, 主要代表论著 1. Wu S, Wu J, Yue JH, To MKT, Pan HB, Lu WW, Zhao XL*, Poly(d,l-lacticacid) electrospun fibers with tunable surface nanotopography for modulating drug release profiles. Materials Letters,2015,161:716-19. 2. Wu S, Huang ZY, Yue JH, Liu D, Wang T, Ezanno P, Ruan CS, Zhao XL*, Lu WW, Pan HB. The efficient hemostatic effect of Antarctic krill chitosan is related toits hydration property. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2015,132:295-303. 3. Yue JH, Wu J, Liu D, Zhao XL*, Lu WW. BMP2 gene delivery to bone mesenchymal stem cell by chitosan-g-PEI nonviral vector. Nanoscale Research Letters,2015,10:203. 4. Wu Jun#, Zhao Xiaoli#, Yeung KW, To MK. Interfacial Fast Release Layer in Monodisperse Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) Microspheres Accelerates the Drug Release. Current Drug Delivery,2016,13(5):720-9. 5. Zhao XL,Li ZY, Pan HB, Liu WG, Lv MM, Leung F, Lu WW. Enhanced gene delivery by chitosan-disulfide-conjugated LMW-PEI for facilitating osteogenic differentiation. Acta Biomaterialia, 2013, 9(5):6694-6703. 6. Zhao XL, Li ZY, Liu WG, Lam WM, Sun P, Kao RYT, Luk KDK, Lu WW. Octaarginine-modified chitosan as a nonviral gene delivery vector: properties and in vitro transfection efficiency. J nanopart res, 2011,13:693-702. 7. Yu B, Zhao XL, Yang CZ, Crane J, Xian LL, Lu WW, Wan M, Cao X. Parathyroid Hormone Induces Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells by Enhancing Bone Morphogenetic Protein Signaling. J Bone Miner Res, 2012,29,2001-2014. 8. Zhao XL, Liu WG, Chen DY, Lin XZ, Lu WW. Effect of block order of ABA- and BAB-type NIPAAm/HEMA triblock copolymers on thermoresponsive behavior of solutions. Macromol Chem Phys, 2007, 208,1773-1781. 9. Pan HB, Zhao XL, Darvell WB, Lu WW. Apatite-formation ability C predictor of "bioactivity"? Acta Biomaterialia, 2010,6, 4181-4188. 10. Pan HB, Zhao XL, Zhang X, Zhang KB, Li LC, Li ZY, Lam WM, Lu WW, Wang DP, Huang WH, Lin KL, Chang J. Strontium borate glass: potential biomaterial for bone regeneration. J R Soc Interface, 2010, 7,1025-1031.
