编辑: 苹果的酸 2019-07-06
Vol132 , No112 pp1

1867 -

1872 Dec1 ,

2006 作物学报ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 第32 卷第12 期2006 年12 月1867~1872 页 小麦品种贵农

21 抗条锈病基因的 SSR标记 程颖宋伟刘志勇 解超杰 倪中福 彭惠茹 聂秀玲 杨作民 孙其信

3 Ξ (中国农业大学农业生物技术国家重点实验室Π 农业部作物基因组学与遗传改良重点开放实验室Π 北京市作物遗传改良重点实验室Π 教育部作物 杂种优势研究与利用重点实验室 ,北京 100094) 摘要:对贵农

21 携带的条锈病 ( Puccinia striiformis Westend f1 sp1 tritici) 抗性基因进行鉴定和遗传分析 ,明确了贵农

21 携带

1 个抗条锈病显性单基因 ,暂命名为 YrGn21 .

采用 F2 代抗病分离群体和集群分离分析法 (BSA) ,建立了与 YrGn21 连锁的

11 个微卫星标记 Xcau

14、 Xwmc

49、 Xgwm

403、 Xgdm

62、 Xwmc

272、 Xgwm

459、 Xbarc

240、 Xbarc

187、 Xgdm

28、 Xgwm11 和Xgwm413 ,并将 YrGn21 定位于小麦 1BS 的近着丝粒区域 ,与位于 1BS 染色体上的 Yr26 基因具有等位性关系 ,为贵农

21 抗 条锈病基因在育种中的利用 ,进行标记辅助选择和基因累加提供了便利. 关键词 : 小麦 ;


21 ;

抗条锈病基因 ;

微卫星标记 中图分类号 : S512 Microsatellite Markers for A Yellow Rust Resistant Gene in Wheat Cultivar Guinong

21 CHENG Y ing , SONG Wei , LIU Zhi2Y ong , XIE Chao2Jie , NI Zhong2Fu , PENG Hui2Ru , NIE Xiu2Ling , Y ANG Zuo2Min and SUN Qi2Xin3 (State Key Laboratory of AgroBiotechnologyΠ Key Laboratory of Crop Genomics and Genetic Improvement , Ministry of AgricultureΠ Beijing Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic ImprovementΠ Key Laboratory of Crop Heterosis Research and Utilization , Ministry of Education , China Agricultural University , Beijing

100094 , China) Abstract :Yellow rust , caused by Puccinia striiformis Westend f1 sp1 tritici , is one of the most important diseases of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L1) worldwide1 Breeding for resistance is considered the most economical and effective mean for controlling the disease1 Guinong

21 , a common wheat cultivar derived from an open pollinated population between common wheat and the F1 hybrid of Haynaldia villosa and Triticum durum , provided sound resistance to prevalent Chinese races of Puccinia striiformis f1 sp1 tritici and Blumeria graminis f1 sp1 tritici for decades1 Genetic analysis indicated that Guinong

21 is carrying a single dominant yellow rust resistance gene , designated as YrGn21 temporarily1 Segregating F2 progenies of the cross ( Guinong 21Π 704) F2Π Wenmai

8 were used for bulked segregation analysis (BSA)

1 Eleven microsatellite markers , Xcau14 , Xwmc49 , Xgwm403 , Xgdm62 , Xwmc272 , Xgwm459 , Xbarc240 , Xbarc187 , Xgdm28 , Xgwm11 and Xgwm413 were found to be linked to YrGn21 and all of them were assigned to the same side of gene YrGn21

1 The closest marker Xcau14 was mapped

111 cM away from the resistant gene and the furthest marker Xgwm413 was located

711 cM to YrGn211 Based on the reported genetic and physical maps of microsatellites in wheat , most of these YrGn21 linked markers have been mapped in the adjacent region of centromere on chromosome 1BS

1 It had been reported that Xgwm11 and Xgwm413 were linked to yellow rust resistance gene Yr26 , which was also located on chromosome 1BS1 Polymorphisms detected by the

11 YrGn21 linked markers on a Yr26 population indicated that same polymorphic fragments could be amplified by

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