编辑: 南门路口 2019-07-06
? ? ? ? ? The ?Future ?of ?E-?commerce: ?The ? Road ?to ?2026 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Contents ? Executive ?summary

3 ? Introduction

3 ? Welcome ?to ?the ?consumer ?of ?the ?future

3 ? Instant ?gratification ?will ?mean ?more ?than ?a ?quick ?fix

3 ? The ?desire ?for ?shopping ?experiences ?will ?intensify

4 ? The ?pretzel-?shaped ?shopping ?journey

4 ? The ?sharing ?economy ?is ?here ?to ?stay ?but ?with ?a ?mixed ?impact ?on ?retail

4 ? Pure ?play ?and ?physical ?retail: ?blurring ?boundaries ?

5 ? Online ?moves ?into ?the ?real ?world

5 ? Physical ?retail ?still ?exists ?but ?not ?as ?we ?know ?it

6 ? An ?increasingly ?fragmented ?physical ?footprint ?

7 ? Goodbye ?to ?silos

7 ? Fulfillment ?is ?a ?major ?battleground, ?ushering ?in ?new ?models

8 ? The ?race ?to ?find ?new ?delivery ?systems

9 ? Toward ?a ?mobile-?centric ?retail ?experience ?

9 ? Contextual ?location ?becomes ?a ?building ?block ?for ?retail

11 ? Prepare ?for ?a ?mobile ?payments ?boom, ?driven ?by ?m-?commerce

12 ? Mobile ?loyalty ?in ?the ?ascendant

13 ? Moving ?toward ?mobile-?first ?advertising

13 ? Context ?is ?king

15 ? Moving ?from ?a ?2-?D ?to ?3-?D ?customer ?perspective ?

15 ? The ?rise ?of ?predictive ?models ?and ?curated ?shopping ?

16 ? Consumers ?take ?more ?control ?of ?personal ?data ?trade-?off ?terms

17 ? Key ?technologies ?that ?will ?shape ?retail

17 ? Hyperconnectivity ?will ?create ?new ?dynamics ?in ?retail

17 ? Wearables ?will ?become ?a ?platform ?for ?m-?commerce, ?albeit ?with ?limitations

18 ? Augmented ?reality ?(AR) ?will ?be ?a ?strong ?driver ?for ?online ?and ?physical ?retail

20 ? Forget ?the ?hype ?C ?3-?D ?printing ?will ?have ?a ?limited ?impact ?in ?the ?retail ?space

20 ? Preparing ?for ?the ?road ?to ?2026

21 ? Recommendations: ?actions ?to ?help ?retailers ?stay ?ahead ?of ?the ?game

21 ? ? Executive ?summary ? ? Introduction ? The ?world ?of ?retail ?is ?undergoing ?an ?unprecedented ?wave ?of ?innovation.

?Technology, ?of ?course, ?plays ? a ?major ?role, ?but ?it ?is ?not ?the ?only ?force ?at ?work. ?New ?business ?models ?are ?appearing ?that ?will ?have ?a ? profound ?influence ?across ?the ?e-?commerce ?and ?wider ?retail ?value ?chain. ?At ?the ?same ?time, ?consumer ? behaviors ?and ?expectations ?are ?evolving. ? In ?this ?report, ?we ?identify ?and ?examine ?those ?trends ?that ?will ?shape ?the ?retail ?landscape ?over ?the ?next ? five ?to ?10 ?years. ?For ?example, ?what ?technologies ?will ?have ?a ?transformative ?influence, ?and ?what ? technologies ?are ?just ?hype? ?How ?will ?the ?e-?commerce ?value ?chain ?evolve, ?and ?what ?impact ?will ?this ? have ?on ?online ?and ?physical ?retail? ? To ?provide ?answers ?to ?these ?questions ?and ?build ?a ?vision ?of ?the ?future, ?we ?interviewed ?thought ?leaders ? across ?the ?e-?commerce ?ecosystems, ?including ?leading ?retail ?brands ?from ?a ?spread ?of ?market ?sectors. ? ? Welcome ?to ?the ?consumer ?of ?the ?future ? The ?word ?is ?convenience ?C ?the ?word ?is ?anywhere, ?anytime, ?however ?the ?consumer ?wants ?it. ? Colgate-?Palmolive ? Instant ?gratification ?will ?mean ?more ?than ?a ?quick ?fix ? Consumer ?e-?commerce ?today ?is ?largely ?driven ?by ?price ?and ?convenience: ?a ?good ?deal ?on ?products ? that ?are ?delivered ?quickly. ?A ?smaller ?but ?growing ?number ?of ?consumers ?are ?starting ?to ?want ?more ?from ? e-?commerce, ?for ?example, ?wanting ?the ?ability ?to ?discover ?unique ?goods ?they ?will ?not ?find ?in ?big-?box ? retail ?chains. ?By ?2026, ?these ?fundamental ?desires ?will ?still ?exist, ?but ?consumer ?expectations ?of ?the ?e-? commerce ?experience ?will ?have ?changed ?drastically, ?along ?with ?the ?shopping ?experience. ? ? ? The ?desire ?for ?instant ?access ?and ?fast ?turnaround, ?24/7, ?will ?be ?the ?norm ?by ?2026, ?driven ?in ?particular ? by ?millennials ?(born ?approximately ?1980C95) ?and ?also ?by ?Generation ?Z ?consumers ?(born ? approximately ?1996C2010). ?Generation ?Z ?are ?digital ?natives ?to ?the ?power ?of ?10, ?with ?technology ?use ? their ?second ?nature. ?These ?generations ?are ?constantly ?connected ?and ?inhabit ?an ?online ?environment ? where ?events ?happen ?in ?real ?time ?without ?them ?having ?to ?wait, ?and ?where ?social ?media ?enables ?them ? to ?dictate ?terms. ? ? Key ?takeaways ? However, ?by ?2026, ?instant ?gratification ?will ?have ?come ?to ?mean ?something ?more ?sophisticated ?than ?a ? quick ?fix. ?It ?will ?have ?evolved ?into ?expectations ?of ?a ?seamless ?shopping ?experience ?across ?an ? increasing ?range ?of ?connected ?devices, ?in ?which ?immediacy ?and ?convenience ?are ?paramount. ? ? Instant ?access ?and ?fast ?turnaround ?will ?still ?be ?a ?key ?part ?of ?the ?equation, ?but ?other ?expectations ?will ? have ?come ?to ?the ?fore: ?proactive ?customer ?service ?and ?support, ?and ?free ?or ?very ?low-?cost ?delivery ? anytime, ?anywhere. ?Consumers ?will ?expect ?goods ?advertised ?online ?to ?live ?up ?to ?the ?promise ?in ?every ? way ?C ?with ?no ?disconnect ?between ?the ? fit ?and ?feel ?of ?what ?they ?see ?and ?what ?they ?get. ?This ?places ? great ?pressure ?on ?retailers, ?and ?those ?that ?fail ?to ?meet ?expectations ?will ?fall ?by ?the ?wayside. ? ? The ?desire ?for ?shopping ?experiences ?will ?intensify ? By ?2026, ?many ?consumers ?will ?want ?retailers ?to ?provide ?an ?environment ?where ?shopping ?is ?an ?event ? experience ?in ?its ?own ?right. ?This ?will ?translate ?into ?interactive, ?highly ?engaging ?online ?and ?real-?world ? retail ?environments ?where ?augmented ?reality ?(AR) ?plays ?a ?key ?role. ?The ?provision ?of ?distinct ?and ? tangible ?shopping ?experiences, ?online ?and ?real-?world, ?will ?become ?a ?key ?means ?to ?enhance ?and ? differentiate ?a ?brand'
