编辑: 怪只怪这光太美 2019-07-05

1 billion website clicks and popular- ity. In the past

20 years, numbers of Korean TV series, such as The Jeal- ousy, The Great Jang-Geum, The Bathhouse People, The heirs, have been exported to China. All these numbers mark a great success for Korea cultural in- dustry in recent years. Statistics show that the copyright sales of Korean TV series have grown from

8 million US dollars in

2001 to

158 million US dollars in 2011. Korean pop culture once became quite trendy in Asia. Establishing IPR network A sound copyright protection environment can facilitate cultural development, no matter in works creation or operaton. To do so, the Korean government has carried out several measures to establish and perfect the system to administrate, license and register copyrights. In July 2011, the Korean government carried out the fundamental law for IPR and set up the National IPR Committee for copyright administra- tion. A system for copyright data collection, analysis has been devel- oped. Meanwhile, the systems for copyright certification, license and registration via Internet have also been built. Except for law system construc- tion, copyright protection and ex- changes make also their own contri- butions to the growth of oversea sales of Korean cultural products. The Korean government has set up several copyright centers in the des- tination markets to fight against in- fringement and privacy, and strengthen copyright exchanges. In China, for instance, together with China爷s National Copyright Admin- istration, the Korean government has developed a counter-privacy mecha- nism. As an effort to introduce Ko- rean copyright system and informa- tion about Korean cultural products to the oversea customers, and pro- vide legal counsel services to their companies, an oversea copyright in- formation database has been devel- oped. With this database, users can get introductions about copyright in- formation in China, America, and Southeast Asian nations. Also, to promote cultural and copyright ex- changes, the Korean government has held numerous theme forums. Government playing support role In 1998, the Korean govern- ment established their National Cul- tural Korea strategy, increasing the budgets for cultural industry devel- opment, instead of cutting down the financial expenses and receipts. The budgets for cultural industry went up from 3.5% of total to 17.9% . The following years witnessed fast development of Korean cultural in- dustry and the Korean Wave has swept over the Asian countries. Now, the second wave has landed in the Americas and European countries. In 2012, Psy爷s Gangnam Style has attracted worldwide atten- tion, and it has been listed as the top

2 music on the Billboard. Compared with the development of Korean cultural industry, there is some way to go for Chinese companies. However, undoubtedly, copyright industry in China is enjoying steady growth and development. Observers suggest that Chinese cultural companies should seize the opportunity and make their own prosperity. (By Dou Xinying/Yan Ru)

本报记者 窦新颖 实习记者 晏如当下国内最具人气的电视剧非 叶来自星星的你曳莫属遥 这一来自韩国 的野星星冶散发出耀眼的光芒袁在爱奇 艺尧PPS 双平台播放总量已经突破

10 亿袁 刷新了韩剧播放纪录遥 从1993 年中国首次引入韩剧 叶嫉妒曳到 叶澡堂老板家的男人们曳叶大长今曳袁再 到叶继承者们曳叶来自星星的你曳袁韩剧 在中国持续热播

20 年遥

2001 年韩剧 出口额仅

800 万美元袁2011 年达到 1.58 亿美元遥以韩剧为代表袁韩国文化 产品形成一股强劲的野韩流冶席卷亚 洲袁同时创造出巨大的经济效益遥 版权保护 兼顾国内外 对于文化产业发展而言袁不论是 激励创造袁还是有序运营袁都需要良 好的版权保护环境为其保驾护航遥
