编辑: 梦三石 2019-07-04



Doctor of Philosophy'

) Degree University of Tübingen, Germany 05/08/1994 01/10/1989- 30/09/1994 '

Master of Arts'


Magister Artium'

) Degree University of Tübingen, Germany '


Diploma for entering university Ratsgymnasium of Hannover, Germany (equivalent to International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) and A-Level) of a gymnasium (equ. to U.S. University Preparatory School) (incl.

4 years English /

4 years Greek /

9 years Latin /

9 years German language education) 工作经历 09/2016-05/2017 08/2009-08/2016 Associate Professor. Faculty of Media and Communication. Department of Communication. University College of Bahrain, Bahrain. Associate Professor of German. College of Arts and Sciences. Department of Foreign Languages. University of Nizwa, Oman. 08/2008-07/2009 Visiting Researcher and Professor in the Cultural Sequence Programme. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Department of Languages and Cultures. University of Balamand, Lebanon. 07/2006-07/2008 Associate Professor of German. Faculty of Education and Foreign Languages. School of Foreign Languages. Cyprus International University, Cyprus. 05/2004-05/2006 Visiting Research Exchange Scholar. Department for Foreign Languages and Translations. German and English Translation Section. Jeungsando Research Institute Daejeon, South Korea. 08/2003-04/2004 Visiting Professor of German. College of Liberal Arts. Department of International Studies for Modern Languages, Translation, and Classics. Texas A&

M University, USA. 03/2002-02/2003 Visiting Assistant Professor of German. College of Humanities. Department of German Language. Catholic University of Taegu, South Korea. 03/2001-02/2002 Visiting Assistant Professor of German. College of Humanities. Department of German Language. Cheju National University, South Korea. 04/1999-02/2001 09/1997-03/1999 Adjunct Professor. Faculty of Humanities. Department of German Communication Studies (Linguistic and Literature). University of Hannover in research-publishing cooperation with University of Heidelberg, Germany. Independent Researcher at the University of Tübingen, Germany. 其他信息 出版刊物:60 篇 发表论文:10 篇 翻译

3 本 其他:5 本 讲座:4 次 学术会议:9 次 人才编号:20172606 国籍:中国 现居住:中国........
