编辑: 木头飞艇 2019-07-04
台湾国际研究季刊 第13 卷第4期页1-34

2017 年/冬季号 Taiwan International Studies Quarterly, Vol.

13, No. 4, pp. 1-34 Winter

2017 国际政治中的小国 ? 施正锋 东华大学民族事务及发展学系教授 摘要在这里,我们先将说明小国的定义,再来介绍小国的外交行为及 其解释,包括内在、 以及条件式因素,接著探讨小国可以选择的策略, 包括中立、以及结盟,再来、我们将考察小国所必须面对的课题,最 后将分析小国所可能发挥的影响力. 关键词:小国、外交行为、中立、结盟 ? 发表於国家展望文教基金会主办「小国生存之道学术研讨会」,台北,台北市议会一楼 会议厅,2017/5/27. 《台湾国际研究季刊》第13 卷、第4期(2017/冬季号)

2 A small state is a vacuum in a high pressure area. It does not live because of its strength but because nobody wants its territory, or because its preservation as a buffer state or as a weight in the balance of power is of interest to a stronger nation. When the balance disappears, the small state usually disappears with it. Nicholas John Spykman(1942: 20) But material size is the factor which is least of all given to modification through the deliberate efforts of governments. It sets the limit to what can be attained and fixed the international role and status of the nation more securely than any other. David Vital(1967: 3-4) For the theorist, evidence that the Small Power is different in kind, and not merely in degree, provides a clear warning against the dangers of generalizing about the behavior of all state. Robert L. Rothstein(1968: 1) It must be accepted as axiomatic that when the chips are down and long-range interests of the highest importance are involved, the great powers will not hesitate to sacrifice their weak allies. Michael Handel(1981: 180) Weakness does not entail only liabilities;

for the small power, it also creates certain bargaining assets. Typically, the smaller the state, the more it can take large-scale patterns of international politics for granted, since nothing it does can possibly affect them very much. Robert O. Keohane(1971: 162) Full independence, in the sense of governments making their own decisions without being subject to any influence from beyond the borders of their territory, simply does not now exist, if it ever did. Peter R. Baehr(1975: 464) 国际政治中的小国

3 壹、前言 顾名思义,小国(small state1 )是指幅员较小、人口较少、或是国家力 量2较弱的国家.就直觉、或是常识而言,一般相信大国(larger state)在 国际舞台上比较有地位、讲话比较大声,如果是跻身强权(great power)之列,除了可以参与国际规的制订,超强(superpower)甚至於还可以呼风 唤雨;

相对之下,小国所关心的是国家安全的保障、以及在国际社会的生 存,特别是要如何来面对外来的威胁,彷佛对於强权的盛气凌人只能委曲 求全.因此,国家大小不只是意味著身份、或是地位,更是一种权力关系 (Knudsen, 2002: 184).事实上,大国未必就是具有实力的强权(powerful state),小国没有必要言计从;

相对地,小国也未必就是手无寸铁的弱 国3(weak state),没有必要逆来顺受. 在西方,小国的典有希腊城邦(西元前

12 世纪-西元

6 世纪)、以 及义大利城邦 (西元 9-15 世纪)

4 ;

在 『西伐利亚和约』 (Peace of Westphalia, 1648)签订之后,小国正式获得保障(Knudsen, 2002: 191).英国、普鲁 士、奥地利、以及俄罗斯在维也纳会议(Congress of Vienna, 1816)以强权 之姿凌驾法国,其实,顶多再加上义大利,其他的国家都是小国;
