编辑: 元素吧里的召唤 2019-07-04
Wake up DOUBLETREE BREAKFAST ? 精神逸逸 ? 希尔顿逸林活力早餐 ? LA CARTE BREAKFAST 散点早餐 Slow Cooked Congee 生滚粥 Served with peanut, preserved olive vegetable, fermented bean curd 配小料花生, 橄榄菜, 豆腐乳 Plain Congee 白粥 Chicken Congee 鸡肉粥 Wonton Noodle 云吞面 Traditional Chinese noodle soup with prawn and pork dumplings, roast pork and green vegetables in a chicken-scallop broth 传统广式鲜虾云吞面配高汤及叉烧和蔬菜 Healthy Omelette 健康鸡蛋卷 Egg whites, steamed broccoli, diced tomato and a low fat mozzarella cheese 鸡蛋清,蒸西兰花,切粒番茄加低脂马苏里拉芝士 Egg Omelette 鸡蛋卷 ree-egg omelette with your choice of fresh herbs, ham, cheese or seasonal mushroom served with grilled tomato and potatoes 鸡蛋卷(可自选配菜)配菜:新鲜香料,火腿,芝士或时令鲜菇 伴有:烤番茄和土豆 Two Eggs Cooked to Your Liking 自选双蛋 Pan-fried, boiled, poached or scrambled 煎鸡蛋,煮鸡蛋,水波蛋和炒鸡蛋 Norwegian Smoked Salmon 挪威烟熏三文鱼 Sliced cucumber, red onion, capers & tomato 黄瓜片,红洋葱,水瓜榴&番茄 *add a plain bagel and cream cheese *可加原味百吉饼和奶油芝士 Pancakes with your choice of vanilla pod infused maple or honey syrup 薄煎饼 可选择香草枫叶糖浆或蜜糖 Corn Flake Encrusted French Toast 脆玉米片裹法式吐司 Vanilla and cinnamon scented brioche encrusted with crushed corn akes, served with a caramelized apple compote, icing sugar and maple syrup 香草奶油包配脆玉米片,焦糖苹果 Your Choice of Breakfast Cereal 自选谷物早餐 Corn akes, special K, sultana bran, rice krispies 玉米片、香脆麦米片、葡萄麦维、卜卜米 Bircher muesli or our house made granola 瑞士麦片或自制格兰诺拉 served with your choice of hot or cold milk 搭配自选热/冷牛奶 Fresh from the Bakery 新鲜出炉 Your choice of

3 bakery items: 可自选3款新鲜出炉面包 Danish pastry, croissant, mu n, soft bread roll, French baguette, white, multi-grain or whole meal toast served with assorted jams, marmalade, honey and butter 丹麦包,羊角面包,小松饼,小餐包,长法棍, 白吐司、杂粮吐司或全麦吐司配什锦果酱、柠檬酱,蜂蜜和黄油 Yogurt Parfait 酸奶巴菲 Layers of berries, manuka honey yogurt and our special house made granola 多层果酱,加麦卢卡蜂蜜酸奶和特制格兰诺拉 Preserved Chilled Juices 果汁(冷) Orange, grapefruit, apple, pineapple or tomato 橘子,西柚,苹果,菠萝,番茄 Freshly Squeezed Fruit & Vegetable Juices 鲜榨蔬果汁 Orange, apple, honey dew, watermelon, carrot, celery 橘子, 苹果,哈密瓜,西瓜,红萝卜,西芹 Freshly Brewed Co ee 现磨咖啡 Espresso 意大利特浓咖啡 Cappuccino or latte 卡布奇诺或拿铁咖啡 Selection of Plain or Fruit avoured Low-fat Yogurt 可选原味或水果味低脂酸奶 Fresh Seasonal Fruits Platter 时令水果拼盘 RMB 78.

00 RMB 88.00 RMB 78.00 RMB 48.00 RMB 118.00 RMB 68.00 RMB 68.00 RMB 58.00 RMB 68.00 RMB 58.00 RMB 28.00 RMB 38.00 RMB 30.00 RMB 38.00 RMB 38.00 RMB 38.00 RMB 68.00 RMB 168.00 RMB 108.00 RMB 88.00 RMB 158.00 RMB 88.00 All prices are quoted in RMB and subject to 15% service charge. e Department of Health requires us to inform you that consuming raw or undercooked meat, poultry, seafood, shel sh and eggs may increase you risk of food borne illness, especially those with certain medical conditions. 以上价格均为以人民币计价,另加收15%的服务费.食用生肉或未煮透的肉类、家禽、海鲜、贝类、鸡蛋等食品可能增加您生病的几率,特别是对于身体状况欠佳的人. ? La Carte Breakfast Menu|散点早餐菜单 Breakfast Suggestions (06:30-10:30) 早餐建议营业时间(06:30-10:30) AMERICAN BREAKFAST 美式早餐 Freshly Squeezed Juice 鲜榨果汁 Sliced Fresh Seasonal Fruit Plate 时令水果拼盘 Assorted Baker's Basket 自选面包组合 Your choice of
