编辑: LinDa_学友 2019-07-04
河北省蔬菜大棚土壤及蔬菜中重金属累积分析 孙硕1 , 李菊梅1* , 马义兵1 , 赵会薇2 (1.

中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所, 农业部作物营养与施肥重点实验室,北京 100081;

2. 国家半干旱农业工 程技术研究中心,石家庄 050051) 收稿日期: 2018-06-21 录用日期: 2018-07-02 作者简介: 孙硕(1992―) , 女, 河北保定人, 硕士研究生, 从事环境污染与修复研究.E-mail: 418334233@qq.com *通信作者: 李菊梅 E-mail: lijumei@caas.cn 基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目 (2016YFD0800400) ;

河北省科技计划项目 (15274008D) ;

公益性行业 (环保) 科研专项 (201509032) Project supported: The National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFD0800400);

Science and Technology Program of Hebei Province (15274008D) ;

Nonprofit Industry Research Subject (201509032) 摘要: 为了解河北省大棚菜地的重金属累积情况 , 以蔬菜产区的土壤和蔬菜为研究对象, 采集了邯郸市永年县、 保定市定州县、 沧州市青县、 石家庄市藁城区共 64个大棚土壤以及对应蔬菜样品, 测定其 Cr、 Ni、 Cd、 Pb、 As含量, 利用地累积指数法对大棚土壤重 金属污染进行了评价, 利用目标危害系数法分析了蔬菜摄入对人体的健康风险.结果表明, 与 《土壤环境质量标准》 (GB 15618― 1995) 二级标准相比, 四个蔬菜产区大棚土壤中 Cr、 Cd、 Ni、 Pb、 As 含量均值未超标;

但与河北省表层土壤背景值相比, 大棚土壤中 Cd 和Cr 累积普遍, 分别是背景值的 1.99 倍和 1.10 倍, 超标率为 100% 和40.6%.Pb、 As 局部点位有累积现象, Ni 含量均低于背景 值. 地累积指数评价结果表明, 除Cd 为轻度-中等累积污染外, 其他元素均为无累积污染. 与 《食品中污染物限量》 (GB 2762― 2017) 相比, 除15.63% 的蔬菜样品中 Cr 超标外, 所调查的蔬菜中 Ni、 Cd、 Pb、 As 含量均不超标.菠菜、 大葱、 蒜苗对

5 种重金属的富 集系数均相对较大, 不同类型蔬菜对

5 种重金属富集能力均为叶菜类>



果菜类, 对不同重金属富集能力为 Cd>




Pb.河北省大棚蔬菜重金属总体不存在明显的人体健康风险, 但是藁城蔬菜Cr存在明显的健康风险, 应该引起关注. 关键词: 重金属;




蔬菜 中图分类号: X53 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 2095-6819 (2019) 02-0236-09 doi: 10.13254/j.jare.2018.0163 Accumulation of heavy metals in soil and vegetables of greenhouses in Hebei Province, China SUN Shuo1 , LI Ju-mei1* , MA Yi-bing1 , ZHAO Hui-wei2 (1.Key Laboratory of Crop Nutrition and Fertilization, Ministry of Agriculture, Institute of Agriculture Resources and Regional Planning, Chi? nese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China;

2.The Semi-arid Agriculture Science and Technology Research Center of China, Shijiazhuang 050051,China) Abstract: The objective of the study is to investigate the concentration of heavy metals (Cr, Ni, Cd, Pb, As)and enlighten the accumulation status in soils and vegetables in greenhouses of Hebei Province. Four vegetable bases(Yongnian of Handan City, Dingzhou of Baoding City, Qingxian of Cangzhou City, Gaocheng of Shijiazhuang City)from Hebei Province were selected. The method of the geo-accumulation index was used to evaluate the environment quality condition of heavy metals in soil and the target hazard quotient was used to assess the health risk caused by intaking vegetables. The results indicated that the mean concentrations of Cr, Ni, Cd, Pb and As in the greenhouses soil of four vegetable bases did not exceed the critical value of grade Ⅱ of the Soil Quality Standard(GB 15618―1995) . However, the accumulation of Cd and Cr in greenhouses were 100% and 40.6% respectively, which were the ratios of exceeding the background values. The contents of Cd and Cr in greenhouse soil were 1.99, 1.10 times of the background values respectively. The accumulation of Pb and As was only in some investigation spots. Besides, the contents of Ni were all lower than the background value. In the evaluation of index of geo- accumulation, the accumulation pollution level of Cd was slight to medium while Cr、 Ni、 Pb、 As were all clean in greenhouses soil of Hebei Province. Approximately 15.63% Cr in vegetables exceeded the Criteria Level of Contaminants in the Foods (GB 2762―2017) , the contents 农业资源与环境学报2019年3月・第36卷・第2期: 236-244 March 2019・Vol.36・No.2: 236-244 Journal of Agricultural Resources and Environment http://www.aed.org.cn 孙硕, 李菊梅, 马义兵, 等. 河北省蔬菜大棚土壤及蔬菜中重金属累积分析[J]. 农业资源与环境学报, 2019,
